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Human Readable GUID

I'm writing a small system that will allow me to sell my band's music at gigs by generating vouchers that can be redeemed for MP3s at our website.

The vouchers will need a code that the user types in. The code needs to have the following qualities:

  1. Some level of human readability in terms of length and content, to prevent user frustration and data entry error.
  2. Given one voucher code, not trivial to guess another voucher code.

If I use GUIDs I'm concerned about point 1. If I use an incrementing integer I'm concerned about point 2. There has to be some happy medium in between, right? I thought perhaps this work has already been done and there's an ideal solution waiting out there for me. In the absence of that, I'm thinking I'll go with a random alphanumeric string, or possibly letters only (excluding I and O for clarity), and have the application block IP addresses that fail X number of times, which would indicate a possible brute force attack. If I went with that, how long of a string and what value of X would work, and why?

Thanks for your help!

Update: I wasn't totally explicit about the method: I will generate lists of voucher codes for printing, then enter the "sold" codes after a gig. Therefore I think elements like a checksum are not necessary like they are in software keys that don't use validation servers.

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James Orr Avatar asked Dec 18 '09 04:12

James Orr

People also ask

What is GUID algorithm?

A GUID (globally unique identifier) is a 128-bit text string that represents an identification (ID). Organizations generate GUIDs when a unique reference number is needed to identify information on a computer or network. A GUID can be used to ID hardware, software, accounts, documents and other items.

1 Answers

You could use a Markov Chain trained on English syllables to create a sentence composed of pronounceable-gibberish words. Just add the generated sentence to a database of valid vouchers when you print them (and invalidate them when they're redeemed, of course).

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caf Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
