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Human Readable Date Using PHP




Please help me create a function to convert dates like

2010-10-04 17:45:50

Into something more pretty like

10 October at 17:45

And so it can hide years if they are not really needed and display date like

today/yesterday at 17:45

This is a bit similar to how Facebook displays past dates.

like image 611
Denis Bobrovnikov Avatar asked Oct 23 '10 10:10

Denis Bobrovnikov

People also ask

How do I convert a date to a readable format?

Date. toUTCString() - returns the date and time in the format day, dd month yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT. Date. toISOString() - returns the date and time in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.

How convert date from yyyy-mm-dd to dd mm yyyy format in PHP?

Answer: Use the strtotime() Function You can first use the PHP strtotime() function to convert any textual datetime into Unix timestamp, then simply use the PHP date() function to convert this timestamp into desired date format. The following example will convert a date from yyyy-mm-dd format to dd-mm-yyyy.

What does date () do in PHP?

The date/time functions allow you to get the date and time from the server where your PHP script runs. You can then use the date/time functions to format the date and time in several ways. Note: These functions depend on the locale settings of your server.

How do I change from 24 hour format to 12 hour format in PHP?

Similarly, H will give you the hour in 24-hour format with leading zeros, but h will give you the hour in 12-hour format with leading zeros.

1 Answers

Try to use this class: I defined some constans to translate to spanish but you can ignore those or make the validation language for the others functions!!

You can focus on the functions: shortDateHuman(), longDateHuman(), shortTimeHuman(), longTimeHuman()

In order to use it you can do: $datetest=new Date($language); and then use


In addition, you can check the function setGMTOffset if you need it.

class Date {
    var $gmtoffset;
    var $year;
    var $month;
    var $day;
    var $hour;
    var $minute;
    var $second;
    var $idioma;
   function Date($lang) {
        //setlocale (LC_TIME,en_US);
        list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = split("-", gmdate("Y-m-d"));
        list($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second) = split(":", gmdate("g:i:s"));
        $this->gmtoffset = 0;
    function getYear() {
        return $this->year;
    function setYear($year) {
        $year = intval($year);
        if($year >= 0) {
            $this->year = $year;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid year! Prior to 0 A.D.!");
        return true;
    function getMonth() {
        return $this->month;
    function setMonth($month) {
        $month = intval($month);
        if(($month >= 1) && ($month <= 12)) {
            $this->month = $month;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid month! Not between 1 and 12!");
        return true;
    function getDay() {
        return $this->day;
    function setDay($day) {
        $day = intval($day);
        if(($day >= 1) && ($day <= 31)) {
            $this->day = $day;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid day! Not between 1 and 31!");
        return true;
    function getHour() {
        return $this->hour;
    function setHour($hour) {
        $hour = intval($hour);
        if(($hour >= 0) && ($hour <= 23)) {
            $this->hour = $hour;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid hour! Not between 0 & 23!");
        return true;
    function getMinute() {
        return $this->minute;
    function setMinute($minute) {
        $minute = intval($minute);
        if(($minute >= 0) && ($minute <= 59)) {
            $this->minute = $minute;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid minute! Not between 0 and 59!");
        return true;
    function getSecond() {
        return $this->second;
    function setSecond($second) {
        $second = intval($second);
        if(($second >= 0) && ($second <= 59)) {
            $this->second = $second;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid second! Not between 0 and 59!");
        return true;
    function getGMTOffset() {
        return $this->gmtoffset;
    function setGMTOffset($gmtoffset) {
        $gmtoffset = intval($gmtoffset);
        if(($gmtoffset >= -12) && ($gmtoffset <= 12)) {
            $this->gmtoffset = $gmtoffset;
        } else {
            //throw new Exception("Invalid GMT offset! Not between -12 and 12!");
        return true;
    function setDate($year, $month, $day) {
        return true;
    function setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset = 0) {
        return true;
    function setDateTime($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset) {
        $this->setDate($year, $month, $day);
        $this->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $gmtoffset);
        return true;
    function timestamp() {
        # This function returns a user's correct timezone in the form
        # of a unix timestamp.
        return mktime($this->hour + $this->gmtoffset,
    function longDateTimeHuman() {
        # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005 3:25 PM".
        return date("l, j F, Y g:i A", $this->timestamp());
     function diaSemana(){
        # Returns a day string like "Saturday".
          return date("l", $this->timestamp());
    function mes(){
        # retorna un string del mes "November".
          return date("F", $this->timestamp());
    function diaSemana_es($diaen){
            case "Saturday": return("Sábado");break;
            case "Sunday": return("Domingo");break;
        case "Monday": return("Lunes");break;
            case "Tuesday": return("Martes");break;
            case "Wednesday": return("Miércoles");break;
        case "Thursday": return("Jueves");break;
            case "Friday": return("Viernes");break;
    function mes_es($mesen){
    {      case "January": return(_JAN);break;
            case "February": return(_FEB);break;
        case "March": return(_MAR);break;
            case "April": return(_APR);break;
            case "May": return(_MAY);break;
        case "June": return(_JUN);break;
        case "July": return(_JUL);break;
        case "August": return(_AUG);break;
        case "September": return(_SEP);break;
        case "October": return(_OCT);break;
        case "November": return(_NOV);break;
            case "December": return(_DEC);break;
   function longDateHuman() {
        # Returns a date string like "Saturday, November 5, 2005".
            return date("l, j F , Y", $this->timestamp());
             return "".$this->diaSemana_es($this->diaSemana()).", ".$this->mes_es($this->mes())." ".$this->day.", ".$this->year;
   function shortDateHuman() {
        # Returns a date string like "November 5, 2005".
        return date("F j, Y", $this->timestamp());
   function longTimeHuman() {
        # Returns a time like "3:32:56 PM". F j of Y, g:i a
        return date("g:i:s A", $this->timestamp());
       // return date("F j of Y", $this->timestamp());
    function shortTimeHuman() {
        # Returns a time like "3:32 PM".
        return date("g:i A", $this->timestamp());
    function militaryTime() {
        # Returns a time like "15:34:24".
        return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp());
    function SQLDate() {
        return date("Y-m-d", $this->timestamp());
    function SQLDate_convertir($timestamp){
    //  echo date("Y-m-d", $timestamp);
        //  echo  $timestamp;
      //  $aux=getdate($timestamp);
       // $aux=mktime($timestamp);
     //  $aux=gmstrftime($timestamp);
      // print_r(getdate($timestamp));
  //    $aux=$timestamp;
         //$aux=date("Y-m-d", $timestamp);
         $aux=split(" ",$timestamp);
         return $aux[0];
    function SQLTime() {
        return date("h:i:s", $this->timestamp());
    function SQLDateTime() {
        return date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $this->timestamp());
like image 85
Nervo Verdezoto Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Nervo Verdezoto