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hudson git https password, how do I specify it?

When using the hudson git plugin with https, how to I specify a password?

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bmargulies Avatar asked Jul 29 '10 14:07


People also ask

How do I add a password to a Git repository?

To connect to a Git repository with authentication over HTTP(S), every time it needs to set a username and password. You can configure Git to remember a username and password by storing them in a remote URL or by using Git credential helper.

How do I find my Git credential password?

if $ git config credential. helper returns manager , the password is stored in the windows credential manager, if it returns store , password is stored in a . git-credentials file in the user folder.

2 Answers

The status as of this writing is that you can.

There are at least two ways of doing it:

  1. specifying it in the url (https://user:[email protected]/yourrepo)
  2. specifying it in .netrc file for the user env that is running the Hudson build (_netrc on windows)

netrc approach is by default a plain text file. If needed, it can be encrypted as explained in this answer, or just be readable for that one user through permissions.

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eis Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


You can't. It is bug in git plugin, but there is fork that fixes it, see:


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Rubycut Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
