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HttpWebRequest-The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request

I am getting The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request error while running the following code. I am trying to upload xml file on the http server. My xml file contains tag for the username,password and domain and when i am trying to connect is manually i am able to connect it,but using same credentials when i am trying to connect it through this code, i am getting 400 Bad Request error. Please suggest me how to overcome this issue. Thanks `

  public static void UploadHttp(string xml)     

        string txtResults = string.Empty;
            string url = "http://my.server.com/upload.aspx ";
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
            request.KeepAlive = false;
            request.SendChunked = true;
            request.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
            request.Method = "Post";
            request.ContentType = "text/xml";
            var encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
            var data = encoder.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = data.Length;
            var reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
            WebResponse response = null;
            response = request.GetResponse();
            var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
            var str = reader.ReadToEnd();
        catch (WebException ex)
            if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                HttpWebResponse err = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (err != null)
                    string htmlResponse = new StreamReader(err.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                    txtResults = string.Format("{0} {1}", err.StatusDescription, htmlResponse);

        catch (Exception ex)
            txtResults = ex.ToString();
like image 584
user1301587 Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 16:01


People also ask

How do you solve the remote server returned an error 404 not found?

Verify that the Local path location is correct. Click on the Browse button to verify the path is correct. An incorrect path to the Webapp directory will cause a 404 error.

How do I fix the remote server returned an error 400 Bad Request?

The main thing to understand is that the 400 Bad Request error is a client-side error. The cause of a 400 error can be a wrongly written URL or a URL that contains unrecognizable characters. Another cause of the error might be an invalid or expired cookie. Also, if you try to upload a file that's too large.

Why do I get 400 Bad Request error?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).

1 Answers

Are you sure you should be using POST not PUT?

POST is usually used with application/x-www-urlencoded formats. If you are using a REST API, you should maybe be using PUT? If you are uploading a file you probably need to use multipart/form-data. Not always, but usually, that is the right thing to do..

Also you don't seem to be using the credentials to log in - you need to use the Credentials property of the HttpWebRequest object to send the username and password.

like image 108
Ben Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10
