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HTTP Request works in Postman, but not in C# code

I want to do a simple HTTP request in C#, but something is not working and all I got is 403 Forbidden status code.

When I try to do same request in Postman, everything works fine. I tried to run Fiddler and see all headers that are being sent by Postman. I copy-pasted all of them, but i still got 403 Forbidden in the request sent by C# code.

C# Code (Using https://flurl.dev):

public static void Main(string[] args)
    FlurlHttp.Configure(settings => {
        settings.HttpClientFactory = new MyClientFactory();

    var url = "https://example.com"
        .AppendPathSegments(new[] { "v1", "oauth", "accesstoken" })
        .SetQueryParam("grant_type", "client_credentials")
        .WithBasicAuth("username", "password")
        .WithHeaders(new {
            User_Agent = "Something/0.4.0 Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; SM-G975F Build/NRD90M)",
            X_Secret_Header = "secret_encoded_value",
            accept_encoding = "gzip, deflate",
            Accept = "*/*"

    HttpResponseMessage msg = url.GetAsync().Result;

    Console.WriteLine("StatusCodeString: " + msg.StatusCode.ToString());

class MyClientFactory : DefaultHttpClientFactory
    public override HttpMessageHandler CreateMessageHandler()
        return new HttpClientHandler
            AllowAutoRedirect = false

C# Request And Response:

CSharp Request in FiddlerCSharp Response

Postman Request And Response:

Postman HeadersPostman ResponsePostman Response in Fiddler

Can someone explain me why is this not working? Same headers, same everything.

I replaced the url with "example.com" because i don't want to show the real API URL here.

Also sorry for so many images.. I don't know how to show the problem here in other way.

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modugnico Avatar asked Jun 30 '19 08:06


3 Answers

From Postman there should be a link on the right side called code. Click that and then select C# to get the code generated by Postman. Paste that in and try it out.

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Brian Olson Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 12:09

Brian Olson

For me the problem was the TLS settings in C#. Try adding this line at the start of your app or just before your HTTP request code:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
like image 41
Ocean Airdrop Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 12:09

Ocean Airdrop

I know this old, but to get the same C# code as postman sent, let the postman generate the code for, but first you must get RestSharp lib from nuget or from PM console type this:

Install-Package RestRequest -Version 1.2.0


1- Call your rest api from postman

2- Press the code button enter image description here 3-A pop-up window will open, then choose whatever language you want, in your case it's C# enter image description here

like image 25
Mostafa Hassan Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 12:09

Mostafa Hassan