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HTTP headers encoding/decoding in Java


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How are HTTP headers encoded?

HTTP messages are encoded with ISO-8859-1 (which can be nominally considered as an enhanced ASCII version, containing umlauts, diacritic and other characters of West European languages). At the same time, the message body can use another encoding assigned in "Content-Type" header.

What is HTTP header in Java?

The HTTP headers are used to pass additional information between the clients and the server through the request and response header. All the headers are case-insensitive, headers fields are separated by colon, key-value pairs in clear-text string format.

How do you check if a string is encoded or not?

There is no simple method that will tell you whether a given text is encrypted or not as there are many possible encryption algorithms and non-encryption text manipulations.

A custom HTTP header is being passed to a Servlet application for authentication purposes. The header value must be able to contain accents and other non-ASCII characters, so must be in a certain encoding (ideally UTF-8).

I am provided with this piece of Java code by the developers who control the authentication environment:

String firstName = request.getHeader("my-custom-header"); 
String decodedFirstName = new String(firstName.getBytes(),"UTF-8");

But this code doesn't look right to me: it presupposes the encoding of the header value, when it seemed to me that there was a proper way of specifying an encoding for header values (from MIME I believe).

Here is my question: what is the right way (tm) of dealing with custom header values that need to support a UTF-8 encoding:

  • on the wire (how the header looks like over the wire)
  • from the decoding point of view (how to decode it using the Java Servlet API, and can we assume that request.getHeader() already properly does the decoding)

Here is an environment independent code sample to treat headers as UTF-8 in case you can't change your service:

String valueAsISO = request.getHeader("my-custom-header"); 
String valueAsUTF8 = new String(firstName.getBytes("ISO8859-1"),"UTF-8");