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HTML/JavaScript UI widgets GUI builder [closed]

I've heard and used some of the libraries like Ext JS, qooXdoo, jQuery UI, dijit. I know there are unofficial attempts to create GUI builders but they are not really great.

Any chance there is a HTML/JavaScript UI widget library with a decent GUI builder?

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Mahtar Avatar asked Apr 30 '09 23:04


4 Answers

I'v got a great one: http://spabuilder.appspot.com

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Steve Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 19:11


You may try web based sigma builder. It has more than 30 GUI components supported. This builder is pure JavaScript stuff, the only thing which need PHP is to save the generated script in the server side.

By the way, this builder is free and open source under LGPL license.

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Bussy Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 17:11


I can't vote just yet, but I would like to second sigma widgets. And it does currently support jquery... http://www.sigmawidgets.com/products/sigma_visual/VisualJS/index.html

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acklenx Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 18:11


Ext has (now had) a couple of GUI builders.

GUI Builder by tof2k (he admitted he had no time to work on it anymore when he released it)

Most of these are being replaced/made redundant by Ext Designer.

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cgp Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 19:11
