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HTML/CSS Two auto-width columns

I'm having an incredibly difficult time achieving the following effect:

= Variable Width =  <input style="width: 100%" />        =

I am using the following HTML:

    <label>Variable Width</label>
    <input style="width: 100%" />

Please note that I've trimmed down the HTML for readability.

Can anyone suggest what CSS I should use to achieve this effect? I would prefer to not have to use display: table because I am looking for cross-browser compatibility that reaches IE7.

like image 954
Wex Avatar asked Sep 21 '11 18:09


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The CSS to make all the columns equal in width is as follows. The table-layout: fixed; rule specifies that the table is to take its dimensions from the <table> element's width and the width of the first row of cells (or the <col> elements, if you have them).

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1 Answers

This is "incredibly difficult" to do without <table> or display: table.. until you know how!

See: http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/aLgwt/

This works in IE7 and greater + all modern browsers.

dt {
    float: left
dd {
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0 4px 0 9px
dd input {
    width: 100%

An explanation of why it works is here.

like image 161
thirtydot Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 00:11
