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HTML5 dragend event firing immediately

I have several draggable elements

<div Class="question-item" draggable="true">Box 1: Milk was a bad choice.</div>
<div class="question-item" draggable="true">Box 2: I'm Ron Burgundy?</div>
<div class="question-item" draggable="true">Box 3: You ate the entire wheel of cheese?     </div>
<div class="question-item" draggable="true">Box 4: Scotch scotch scotch</div>

And I have the following event handlers:

var $questionItems = $('.question-item');

  .on('dragstart', startDrag)
  .on('dragend', removeDropSpaces)
  .on('dragenter', toggleDropStyles)
  .on('dragleave', toggleDropStyles);

function startDrag(e){

function toggleDropStyles(){

function addDropSpaces(){
  $questionItems.after('<div class="empty-drop-target"></div>');

function removeDropSpaces(){

Why does it only work for the first draggable. If I drag say the last draggable - the dragend event is fired immediately. (I don't want to use jQuery UI btw)

It makes no sense to me - it looks like a bug.

I am on Chrome v 30 on OSX.

Here is a link to the JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/joergd/zGSpP/17/

(Edit: this is repeat of the following question: dragend, dragenter, and dragleave firing off immediately when I drag - but I think the original poster was fine to go with jQuery UI, whereas I want it to be HTML5 native)

like image 726
Joerg Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 16:10


People also ask

What is Dragend event?

The dragend event is fired when a drag operation is being ended (by releasing a mouse button or hitting the escape key).

What is drag leave?

The ::drag-leave signal is emitted on the drop site when the cursor leaves the widget. A typical reason to connect to this signal is to undo things done in GtkWidget::drag-motion , e.g. undo highlighting with gtk_drag_unhighlight().

1 Answers

As i mentioned in the topic dragend, dragenter, and dragleave firing off immediately when I drag , what solved the problem (which looks to be a Chrome bug) for me was to add a setTimeout of 10 milliseconds into the handler and manipulate the DOM in that timeout.

like image 184
Ivan Koshelev Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10

Ivan Koshelev