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HTML5 contenteditable div accept only plaintext

I'm trying to create a HTML5 contenteditable div, which only accept a plain text. I'm using html and jQuery below:


<div contenteditable="true"></div>


(function () {
   $('[contenteditable]').on('paste', function (e) {
     var text = null;
     text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain') || prompt('Paste Your Text Here');
     document.execCommand("insertText", false, text);

But it's not working for all browsers. getData not support in Internet Explorer browser. I tried a lot of solutions mention here on stackoverflow, But none worked for me.

I also tried

(function () {
  $('[contenteditable]').on('paste', function (e) {
    var text = null;

    if (window.clipboardData && clipboardData.setData) {
      text = window.clipboardData.getData('text');
    } else {
      text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain') || prompt('Paste Your Text Here');
    document.execCommand("insertText", false, text);

But in that case document.execCommand("insertText", false, text); is not working for IE.

Is there any way to make it possible to accept data after filter HTML tags, So that anyone enters data in editable div by type, paste, drop, or any other way. It should display it as text.

like image 481
Tarun Avatar asked Jun 25 '14 11:06


People also ask

What is Contenteditable div?

contenteditable is an HTML attribute that you can add to any HTML element. If its value is true or an empty string, that means that the user can edit it by clicking the element. For example: <div contenteditable="true"> Change me! </ div>

How do you make a div Contenteditable?

Answer: Use the HTML5 contenteditable Attribute You can set the HTML5 contenteditable attribute with the value true (i.e. contentEditable="true" ) to make an element editable in HTML, such as <div> or <p> element.

How do you use Contenteditable tags in HTML?

To edit the content in HTML, we will use contenteditable attribute. The contenteditable is used to specify whether the element's content is editable by the user or not. This attribute has two values. true: If the value of the contenteditable attribute is set to true then the element is editable.

What is false about Contenteditable attribute?

The contentEditable property of the HTMLElement interface specifies whether or not the element is editable. This enumerated attribute can have the following values: ' true ' indicates that the element is contenteditable . ' false ' indicates that the element cannot be edited.

2 Answers

Try this:

<div contenteditable="plaintext-only"></div>

Reference: https://w3c.github.io/editing/contentEditable.html#h-contenteditable

like image 112
Indiana Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


Being not a big fan of jQuery, my solution will not make any use of it. Anyway here it goes (it should anyway work, as pure javascript):

function convertToPlaintext() {
  var textContent = this.textContent;
  this.innerHTML = "";
  this.textContent = textContent;

var contentEditableNodes = document.querySelectorAll('[contenteditable]');

[].forEach.call(contentEditableNodes, function(div) {
  div.addEventListener("input", convertToPlaintext, false);
<div contenteditable="true" style="border: dashed 1px grey">Editable</div>

Note that this solution is severely limited in that the caret will typically jump to the start of the text on every input event.

like image 38
humanityANDpeace Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
