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HTML5 Canvas fillRect slow

I'm trying to write a simple raycaster using an HTML5 canvas and I'm getting abysmal framerates. Firefox's profiler reports 80% of my runtime is spent in context2d.fillRect(), which I'm using per column for floors and ceilings and per pixel on the textured walls. I came across this question, and found that fillRect was faster than 1x1 px pictures by 40% on chrome and 4% on firefox. They mention how it's still calculating alpha stuff, although I'd assume if the alpha is 1 it'd have a pass through for opaque rendering? Are there any other methods for doing a lot of rectangle and pixel blitting with javascript I should try out?

like image 856
zacaj Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 16:11


1 Answers

A solution I have found to this is to put the fillRect() call inside a path each time you call it:

canvasContext.rect(1, 1, 10, 10);

It seems that the call to rect() adds to the path of the previous rect() call, if used incorrectly this can lead to a memory leak or a buildup of resource usage.

like image 108
BBales Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 19:11
