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HTML - How do I know when all frames are loaded?

I'm using .NET WebBrowser control. How do I know when a web page is fully loaded?

I want to know when the browser is not fetching any more data. (The moment when IE writes 'Done' in its status bar...).


  • The DocumentComplete/NavigateComplete events might occur multiple times for a web site containing multiple frames.
  • The browser ready state doesn't solve the problem either.
  • I have tried checking the number of frames in the frame collection and then count the number of times I get DocumentComplete event but this doesn't work either.
  • this.WebBrowser.IsBusy doesn't work either. It is always 'false' when checking it in the Document Complete handler.
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Yuval Peled Avatar asked Mar 23 '09 09:03

Yuval Peled

2 Answers

Here's how I solved the problem in my application:

private void wbPost_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Url != wbPost.Url)
    /* Document now loaded */
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Daniel Stutzbach Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Daniel Stutzbach

My approach to doing something when page is completely loaded (including frames) is something like this:

using System.Windows.Forms;
    protected delegate void Procedure();
    private void executeAfterLoadingComplete(Procedure doNext) {
        WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler handler = null;
        handler = delegate(object o, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
            ie.DocumentCompleted -= handler;
            Timer timer = new Timer();
            EventHandler checker = delegate(object o1, EventArgs e1)
                if (WebBrowserReadyState.Complete == ie.ReadyState)
            timer.Tick += checker;
            timer.Interval = 200;
        ie.DocumentCompleted += handler;

From my other approaches I learned some "don't"-s:

  • don't try to bend the spoon ... ;-)
  • don't try to build elaborate construct using DocumentComplete, Frames, HtmlWindow.Load events. Your solution will be fragile if working at all.
  • don't use System.Timers.Timer instead of Windows.Forms.Timer, strange errors will begin to occur in strange places if you do, due to timer running on different thread that the rest of your app.
  • don't use just Timer without DocumentComplete because it may fire before your page even begins to load and will execute your code prematurely.
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Kamil Szot Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Kamil Szot