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HTML: Display:none does this allow multiple ID-Attributes with same name (when "hidden")?


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Can there be multiple ID attributes in HTML?

The HTML id attribute is used to specify a unique id for an HTML element. You cannot have more than one element with the same id in an HTML document.

What happens when multiple elements have same ID in HTML?

Answer. As HTML and CSS are designed to be very fault tolerant, most browsers will in fact apply the specified styles to all elements given the same id. However, this is considered bad practice as it defies the W3C spec. Applying the same id to multiple elements is invalid HTML and should be avoided.

What is difference between display none and hidden?

display:none means that the tag in question will not appear on the page at all (although you can still interact with it through the dom). ... visibility:hidden means that unlike display:none , the tag is not visible, but space is allocated for it on the page. The tag is rendered, it just isn't seen on the page.

Can you use ID more than once in HTML?

For Html and Css:- In Html Page, You can apply the style of that ID many times as per your wish. If you use same ID to more than one field, then you cannot validate that field. Because, ID must be unique to perform operations on Javascript and JQuery.

according to the HTML Standards ID-Attributes of any HTML Tag in a webpage have to be unique in the document!?

Does this rule also apply to HTML Tags that have been "disabled/hidden" by using: display:none?


<div id="one"></div>
<div id="one" style="display:none;"></div>

Is this valid HTML or not. So the question is do "display:none"= hidden Elements also "count/matter" in regard to the rule only having unique ID-Attributes in a single webpage?

Thanks Jan