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HQL how to query ElementCollection of String

I have class like

public User{
   Long id;
   Set<String> roles;

How do I query all User objects with the role of "ADMIN"


I'm using Hibernate 3.0.5. And have tried most of the obvious approaches.

from Users where roles in('ADMIN') gives a JDBC error. from Users u where u.roles in('ADMIN') gives a class cast exception

I think this may be a problem with this particular version of hibernate.

like image 654
Thihara Avatar asked Dec 30 '12 11:12


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I, therefore, don’t recommend to use an element collection but to instead model an association with an additional entity. If you decide to use an @ElementCollection anyways or if just can’t change the existing code, you can reference its elements similarly as you would do it with a modeled association. Let’s take a look at a simple example.

2 Answers

I've found solution:

"from User as user where 'ADMIN' in elements(user.roles)";

Somehow hql function value() have to help with this, you can also experiment with it, but that hql query above works for me.

like image 87
Skeeve Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09


You can use the query below

"from User as user where user.id in (select user.id from Role as role left join role.user as user where role.name = 'ADMIN')"
like image 44
Roman C Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09

Roman C