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How would you find the height of objects given an image?


This isn't exactly a programming question exactly. I just want to know what your approach would be to a common problem in Digital image processing.

Let's say you have an image of a few trees in say jpg format. How would you go about finding the heights of each of these trees? The photo is the only input you have.

I want to know the approaches you have not to code. So it doesn't matter if your answers are vague, or non DIP-ish.

Small correction : The height need not be the actual height of the tree. The height can be taken to any scale. But should be consistent to all objects in the pic.

like image 634
Laz Avatar asked May 18 '10 19:05


People also ask

How do you find the height of an object in a picture?

Stand tall with shoulders flat against the wall and slide a flat object, like a book or cutting board, along the wall until you can bring it down to make firm contact with the top of your head. Mark under the object where it lands. Use a tape measure to determine your height from the floor to the mark.

Can you calculate height from a picture?

Measuring the exact height of an individual based on a photograph is nearly impossible but you can come close if the photograph offers a means of comparison. Criminal investigations often require an estimated height and they will use photographs to create a height range for a subject.

How do you calculate the height of an object?

Once you have positioned yourself, measure the distance from where you are standing to the base of the tall object you are measuring. Then add your height to this number, and voila! You have an estimated height!

1 Answers

Yes it is possible. What you are describing has an entire industry around it, called Photogrammetry

like image 91
Neil N Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11

Neil N