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How would I parse the XML file in R and carry out basic Statistics Analysis on the data




I am trying to parse the XML file in R, so that I can analysis the data. I am trying to get the mean and standard deviation of the price. Also I would like to be able to get the rate of change in the time of the share price changing. I have tried entering the data by hand but am having problems with the date structure ( I have tried the following:

z <- strptime ("HH:MM:SS.ms, "%H:%m:%S.%f")

but it failed to work). I know the XML file only has a small few numbers but is it a process that could be automated and if so what packages would I need? (I am new to R). Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Anthony.

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
    <Company >
    <timeStamp> 12:00:00:01</timeStamp>
    <Price>  25.02</Price>

    <timeStamp> 12:00:00:02</timeStamp>
    <Price>  15</Price>

    <timeStamp> 12:00:00:025</timeStamp>
    <Price>  15.02</Price>

    <timeStamp> 12:00:00:031</timeStamp>
    <Price>  18.25</Price>

    <timeStamp> 12:00:00:039</timeStamp>
    <Price>  18.54</Price>

    <timeStamp> 12:00:00:050</timeStamp>
    <Price> 16.52</Price>

    <timeStamp> 12:00:01:01</timeStamp>
    <Price>  17.50</Price>
like image 694
Anthony Keane Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 23:12

Anthony Keane

1 Answers


z <- strptime ("HH:MM:SS.ms, "%H:%m:%S.%f")

you miss a closing " so it is invalid syntax.

Next, the data is non-standard as we would use a dot for seconds.subseconds, ie 12:23:34.567 to denote a timestamp. The milliseconds can be parsed this way

> ts <- "12:00:00.050"
> strptime(ts, "%H:%M:%OS")
[1] "2010-07-09 12:00:00 CDT"

So you not only need to get it out of XML first, but also need to convert the string. Else, you can parse the string an fill a POSIXlt time structure 'by hand'.

Postscriptum: Forgot to mention that you need to enable printing of sub-second times:

> options("digits.secs"=3)         # shows milliseconds (three digits)
> strptime(ts, "%H:%M:%OS")
[1] "2010-07-09 12:00:00.05 CDT"   # suppresses trailing zero

Postscriptum 2: You are also in luck with respect to your file thanks to the XML package:

> library(XML)
> xmlToDataFrame("c:/Temp/foo.xml")     # save your data as c:/Temp/foo.xml
      timeStamp   Price
1   12:00:00:01   25.02
2   12:00:00:02      15
3  12:00:00:025   15.02
4  12:00:00:031   18.25
5  12:00:00:039   18.54
6  12:00:00:050   16.52
7   12:00:01:01   17.50
like image 85
Dirk Eddelbuettel Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 17:04

Dirk Eddelbuettel