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How would I check if a value is found in an array of values

I want to perform an if condition where, if linkedpub.LPU_ID is found in an array of values(@associated_linked_pub), do some action.

I tried the following but the syntax is not correct.

Any suggestion is most welcomed..Thanks a lot

<% for linkedpub in Linkedpub.find(:all) %>
   <% if linkedpub.LPU_ID IN @associated_linked_pub  %>
       # do action
like image 393
tanya Avatar asked Jun 14 '11 20:06


People also ask

How do you search an array by value?

Use filter if you want to find all items in an array that meet a specific condition. Use find if you want to check if that at least one item meets a specific condition. Use includes if you want to check if an array contains a particular value. Use indexOf if you want to find the index of a particular item in an array.

2 Answers

You can use Array#include?


if @associated_linked_pub.include? linkedpub.LPU_ID


If @associated_linked_pub is a list of ActiveRecord objects then try this instead:

if @associated_linked_pub.map{|a| a.id}.include? linkedpub.LPU_ID


Looking at your question in more detail, it looks like what you are doing is VERY inefficient and unscalable. Instead you could do...

For Rails 3.0:

Linkedpub.where(:id => @associated_linked_pub)

For Rails 2.x:

LinkedPub.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => @associated_linked_pub })

Rails will automatically create a SQL IN query such as:

SELECT * FROM linkedpubs WHERE id IN (34, 6, 2, 67, 8)
like image 165
Jits Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10



Using in? in these cases has always felt more natural to me.

like image 40
bigtex777 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10
