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How will we call a function written in a separate file from a Cypress test?

In Cypress.io test, I am calling a subtract function and tests written in the 'example-spec' as below. This is working fine. But how will we call the same subtract function written in a different js file, for example '/basetest.js' from the Cypress test?

describe ('Calling a function', function(){
it('Call the Subtract function and asert the calculation', function(){
    .wrap({sub: subValues})
    .invoke('sub', 15, 8)
    .should('eq', 7) // true        


// Subtract function:

const subValues = (a, b) => {
  return a - b 
like image 238
soccerway Avatar asked Aug 13 '18 11:08


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2 Answers

From https://docs.cypress.io/api/cypress-api/custom-commands.html

Put this in your support/commands.js file:

Cypress.Commands.add('subValues', (a, b) => { return a - b });

Put this in your support/index.js file, if it isn't already there (it should be):

import "./commands";

Call it in your test like so:

describe ('Calling a function', function(){
  it('Call the Subtract function and asert the calculation', function(){
      .subValues(15, 8)
      .should('eq', 7) // true        
like image 83
Brendan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09


Add a new file to cypress/support/, e.g. cypress/support/functions.js

cy.myproject = {
    makeUniqueUsername: () => {
        return 'cypress-test-' + Cypress.moment().format("YYMMDD-HHmmss");

Include it by adding a reference to it in cypress/support/index.js

import './functions'

Then call your function from any test

describe('registration', function() {
    it('can register', function() {
        let username = cy.myproject.makeUniqueUsername();
        // etc...

When considering plain functions versus cypress "custom commands" note that the cypress documentation encourage plain functions where custom commands aren't necessary in single spec files, though I don't agree with them that you shouldn't DRY test code.

Thanks to the other answers for getting me to this. The main addition is making it step by step, and keeping custom functions out of the global cy.* namespace.

Note: By doing it this way as opposed to registering a command via Cypress.Commands.add you lose logging and time-travel in the Cypress UI. (Thanks @conny). It is up to you and your team which you value more for each case, the explicit steps or the IDE/linter/etc support from using plain js. Registering a command makes it an explicit step in the test rather than just a supporting function.

like image 23
Tim Abell Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09

Tim Abell