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How we save image in gallery of emulator



How we put any image in gallery of emulator. I tried that one in many ways , but i still failed to put a image in gallery of emulator. I am using eclipse and ubuntu. When i goes in ~/.android/avd/ and tried to make dir of image , but i really failed to do so.

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jhon Avatar asked Oct 15 '12 08:10


People also ask

Where are emulator images stored?

All applications and files that you have deployed to the Android emulator are stored in a file named userdata-qemu. img located in the C:\Users\<username>\. android\avd\<avd_name>. avd folder.

1 Answers


1) Go to File Explorer (if it not there then add file explorer from Windows->Show views->File Explorer)

2) Push Images into mnt->SDcard

3) How to push? Click on icon(Push a file into device) on right side of screen in Eclipse.

3) After pushing file, go to dev tools in emulator. In that go to Media Scanner.

4) After scanning your images are display in galary of emulator.

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Hardik Joshi Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Hardik Joshi