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How Upload file using Mojolicious?

I have been trying out Mojolicious web framework based on perl. And I have try to develop a full application instead of the Lite. The problem I am facing is that I am trying to upload files to server, but the below code is not working.

Please guide me what is wrong with it. Also, if the file gets uploaded then is it in public folder of the application or some place else.

Thanks in advance.

sub posted {
 my $self = shift;
 my $logger = $self->app->log;

 my $filetype = $self->req->param('filetype');
 my $fileuploaded = $self->req->upload('upload');

 $logger->debug("filetype: $filetype");
 $logger->debug("upload: $fileuploaded");

 return $self->render(message => 'File is not available.')
  unless ($fileuploaded);

 return $self->render(message => 'File is too big.', status => 200)
   if $self->req->is_limit_exceeded;

 # Render template "example/posted.html.ep" with message
 $self->render(message => 'Stuff Uploaded in this website.');
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Kunal Jha Avatar asked Apr 14 '12 10:04

Kunal Jha

2 Answers

(First, you need some HTML form with method="post" and enctype="multipart/form-data", and a input type="file" with name="upload". Just to be sure.)

If there were no errors, $fileuploaded would be a Mojo::Upload. Then you could check its size, its headers, you could slurp it or move it, with $fileuploaded->move_to('path/file.ext').

Taken from a strange example.

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menozero Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10


To process uploading files you should use $c->req->uploads

post '/' => sub {
   my $c = shift;
   my @files;
   for my $file (@{$c->req->uploads('files')}) {
     my $size = $file->size;
     my $name = $file->filename;

     push @files, "$name ($size)";
     $file->move_to("C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache24\\htdocs\\ProcessingFolder\\".$name);
   $c->render(text => "@files");
} => 'save';

See full code here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28605563/4632019

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Eugen Konkov Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10

Eugen Konkov