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How to zoom in/out in Matlab editor?

I am wondering if there is a way to zoom in/out or change font size or any way to make the text in the code in Matlab editor bigger/smaller!

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abdeaitali Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 14:11


3 Answers

You go to Home->Preferences->MATLAB->Fonts and you can change the size of the text. If you play with the preferences around you may be able to personalize more things also.

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Ander Biguri Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 19:11

Ander Biguri

Depending on your MATLAB version, open the "Preferences" window. At least in newer versions, this is usually found at the top of the main window, in the bar labelled "Environment".

In the window that opens up, navigate to the tab called "Fonts". At the top of the right hand side of the window, you will find a drop-down menu containing the font size. This affects the font size in the command window, editor, and the command history. You may also change the font here.

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mikkola Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 18:11


If someone else is lead to this questions by a search engine post 2017*: the following code apparently zooms into the whole MATLAB editor by a factor of 1.5 but requires a MATLAB restart:

s = settings; 
currentZoom = s.matlab.desktop.DisplayScaleFactor.ActiveValue;
s.matlab.desktop.DisplayScaleFactor.PersonalValue = currentZoom * 1.5
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fr_nk Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 19:11
