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how to write(implement) Application layer network protocol

I want to write(implement) a Application layer network protocol above TCP. Can you tell me how to start doing it? Any online tutorial will also be helpful guys i need sm implementation tutorial too. I am new to this and have less time also :( RFC is more about rules

like image 979
ashmish2 Avatar asked Dec 29 '10 18:12


1 Answers

Start by reading a standard for SMTP protocol. This is (originally) a very simple protocol with no strings attached and no confusing or bogus statements. HTTP and FTP are more complicated (for beginner) as they are more feature-rich, non-linear (in many aspects) etc.

Upd: I've put the link to the original RFC 821 , which is now obsolete. Yet it is much smaller and easier to read than the most recent (and valid) RFC for SMTP.

like image 57
Eugene Mayevski 'Callback Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Eugene Mayevski 'Callback