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How to write unit tests with TPL and TaskScheduler

Imagine a function like this:

private static ConcurrentList<object> list = new ConcurrentList<object>();
public void Add(object x)
   Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>

I don't care WHEN exactly the fentry is added to the list, but i need it to be added in the end ( obviously ;) )

I don't see a way to properly unittest stuff like this without returning any callback-handler or sth. and therefor adding logic that's not required for the program

How would you do it?

like image 209
David Avatar asked Oct 21 '11 17:10


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1 Answers

One way to do this is to make your type configurable such that it takes a TaskScheduler instance.

public MyCollection(TaskScheduler scheduler) {
  this.taskFactory = new TaskFactory(scheduler);

public void Add(object x) {
  taskFactory.StartNew(() => {

Now in your unit tests what you can do is create a testable version of TaskScheduler. This is an abstract class which is designed to be configurable. Simple have the schedule function add the items into a queue and then add a function to manually do all of the queue items "now". Then your unit test can look like this

var scheduler = new TestableScheduler();
var collection = new MyCollection(scehduler);

Example implementation of TestableScehduler

class TestableScheduler : TaskScheduler {
  private Queue<Task> m_taskQueue = new Queue<Task>();

  protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks() {
    return m_taskQueue;

  protected override void QueueTask(Task task) {

  protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued) {

  public void RunAll() {
    while (m_taskQueue.Count > 0) {
like image 170
JaredPar Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
