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How to write to Kafka from Python logging module?

I've got a large complex application that is heavily using the Python logging module.

I need to start getting these logs into a Kafka cluster, and need to ensure that I don't change the data along the way.

To me the ideal solution is to just create a new handler for Kafka - and allow the logs to go to both the old logging solution and kafka in parallel for a while. Then eventually shut off the old logging handlers and just send to Kafka.

However, I don't see any kafka logging handlers - only kafka clients. Adding a kafka client would mean tracking down every current logging call and adding a separate call to the new kafka client. Getting identical results will be difficult.

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KenFar Avatar asked Jan 13 '14 22:01


People also ask

Can we write Kafka code in python?

With the predefined Kafka Producer method, you can produce or publish messages into the Kafka server using Python code. Similarly, you can consume or fetch messages from the Kafka server using the Kafka consumer method.

How does logging module work python?

The Logging Module It is used by most of the third-party Python libraries, so you can integrate your log messages with the ones from those libraries to produce a homogeneous log for your application. With the logging module imported, you can use something called a “logger” to log messages that you want to see.

1 Answers

Handler implementation is really simple. Actually, setting up the environment took more time than implementing the handler.

The handler constructor accepts optional argument key. If it's provided, the messages written will be sent to a single partition specified by this key. If not provided, the messages will be distributed between servers on round robin basis.

I haven't tested it much, but it's so simple that I don't see what might go wrong here. Hope it will be useful.

from kafka.client import KafkaClient
from kafka.producer import SimpleProducer,KeyedProducer
import logging,sys

class KafkaLoggingHandler(logging.Handler):

    def __init__(self, host, port, topic, key=None):
        self.kafka_client = KafkaClient(host, port)
        self.key = key
        if key is None:
            self.producer = SimpleProducer(self.kafka_client, topic)
            self.producer = KeyedProducer(self.kafka_client, topic)

    def emit(self, record):
        #drop kafka logging to avoid infinite recursion
        if record.name == 'kafka':
            #use default formatting
            msg = self.format(record)
            #produce message
            if self.key is None:
                self.producer.send(self.key, msg)
            import traceback
            ei = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2], None, sys.stderr)
            del ei

    def close(self):

kh = KafkaLoggingHandler("localhost", 9092, "test_log")
#kh = KafkaLoggingHandler("localhost", 9092, "test_log", "key1")

logger = logging.getLogger("")
logger.info("The %s boxing wizards jump %s", 5, "quickly")
logger.debug("The quick brown %s jumps over the lazy %s", "fox",  "dog")
    import math
    logger.exception("Problem with %s", "math.exp")

P.S. The handler uses this Kafka client: https://github.com/mumrah/kafka-python

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Wildfire Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11
