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how to write setup.py for this application structure?

I have written an application with python (2.7). The structure looks like:

kent$  tree myApp
|-- foo.py
|-- gui
|   |-- g1.py
|   |-- g2.py
|   |-- g3.py
|   `-- __init__.py
|-- icons
|   |-- a.png
|   `-- e.png
|-- logic
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- l1
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- la.py
|   |   `-- lc.py
|   |-- l2
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- ld.py
|   |   `-- lf.py
|   |-- logic1.py
|   |-- logic2.py
|   `-- logic3.py
|-- myApp.py
`-- resources
    |-- x.data
    `-- z.data

Now I am about to write a setup.py to distribute my application. I am new to this. After reading the py doc and doing some testing. a few questions come up:

  1. how can I (or should I) package my root package (myApp) under /lib/python/site-package ?

    since in my py file, I reference resources/icons by relative path. for example, in foo.py there could be icons/a.png and in gui/g1.py there could be ../icons/e.png and so on

  2. how can I package icons and resources directory?

    It seems that package_data and data_files won't copy the two directories to right place.

  3. is this the right way?

    packages = [''],
    package_dir = {'': ''},
    package_data= {'': ['icons/*.*', 'resources/*.*']},

    after install, my files will be:

  4. Is there problem of my application structure?

    should those resources/icons/whatever files go to certain python package, not under the project root? so that in setup.py I can use package_data to copy them to right place.

like image 855
Kent Avatar asked Feb 16 '13 21:02


People also ask

What is setup py in Python?

The setup.py file is a Python file which indicates that the installation module/package is most likely packed and distributed using Distutils, the Python Module distribution standard.

How do I set Python version in setup py?

setup(name="my_package_name", python_requires='>3.5. 2', [...] Save this answer.

What is setup py and requirements txt?

The short answer is that requirements. txt is for listing package requirements only. setup.py on the other hand is more like an installation script. If you don't plan on installing the python code, typically you would only need requirements.

1 Answers

from ez_setup import use_setuptools
from setuptools import setup

      description="description string",
long description
      author_email="[email protected]",
      packages=["gui", "logic"],
            "gui": "myApp/gui",
            "logic": "myApp/logic",
         "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
         "Topic :: Utilities",
         "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License"
          ('/path/to/resources', ['resources/x.data', 'resources/y.data']),
          ('/path/to/icons', ['myApp/icons/a.ico', 'myApp/icons/e.ico'])
like image 140
Srdjan Grubor Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Srdjan Grubor