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How to write runnable tests of static_assert?


I am writing a unit-test suite for a source code library that contains static_asserts. I want to provide assurance these static_asserts do no more and no less than they are desired to do, in design terms. So I would like to be able to test them.

I could of course add uncompilable unit tests of the interface that cause the static asserts to be violated by a comprehensive variety of means, and comment or #if 0 them all out, with my personal assurance to the user that if any of them are un-commented then they will observe that the library does not compile.

But that would be rather ridiculous. Instead, I would like to have some apparatus that would, in the context of the unit-test suite, replace a static_assert with an equivalently provoked runtime exception, that the test framework could catch and report in effect: This code would have static_asserted in a real build.

Am I overlooking some glaring reason why this would be a daft idea?

If not, how might it be done? Macro apparatus is an obvious approach and I don't rule it out. But maybe also, and preferably, with a template specialization or SFINAE approach?

like image 713
Mike Kinghan Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 16:07

Mike Kinghan

1 Answers

As I seem to be a lone crank in my interest in this question I have cranked out an answer for myself, with a header file essentially like this:


#ifndef TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT_H #define TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT_H  /* Conditionally compilable apparatus for replacing `static_assert`     with a runtime exception of type `exceptionalized_static_assert`     within (portions of) a test suite. */ #if TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT == 1  #include <string> #include <stdexcept>  namespace test {  struct exceptionalized_static_assert : std::logic_error {     exceptionalized_static_assert(char const *what)     : std::logic_error(what){};     virtual ~exceptionalized_static_assert() noexcept {} };  template<bool Cond> struct exceptionalize_static_assert;  template<> struct exceptionalize_static_assert<true> {     explicit exceptionalize_static_assert(char const * reason) {         (void)reason;     } };   template<> struct exceptionalize_static_assert<false> {     explicit exceptionalize_static_assert(char const * reason) {         std::string s("static_assert would fail with reason: ");         s += reason;         throw exceptionalized_static_assert(s.c_str());     } };  } // namespace test  // A macro redefinition of `static_assert` #define static_assert(cond,gripe) \     struct _1_test \     : test::exceptionalize_static_assert<cond> \     {   _1_test() : \         test::exceptionalize_static_assert<cond>(gripe){}; \     }; \     _1_test _2_test  #endif // TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT == 1  #endif // EOF 

This header is for inclusion only in a test suite, and then it will make visible the macro redefinition of static_assert visible only when the test suite is built with


The use of this apparatus can be sketched with a toy template library:


#ifndef MY_TEMPLATE_H #define MY_TEMPLATE_H  #include <type_traits>  template<typename T> struct my_template {     static_assert(std::is_pod<T>::value,"T must be POD in my_template<T>");      explicit my_template(T const & t = T())     : _t(t){}     // ...     template<int U>     static int increase(int i) {         static_assert(U != 0,"I cannot be 0 in my_template<T>::increase<I>");         return i + U;     }     template<int U>     static constexpr int decrease(int i) {         static_assert(U != 0,"I cannot be 0 in my_template<T>::decrease<I>");         return i - U;     }     // ...     T _t;     // ...   };  #endif // EOF 

Try to imagine that the code is sufficiently large and complex that you cannot at the drop of a hat just survey it and pick out the static_asserts and satisfy yourself that you know why they are there and that they fulfil their design purposes. You put your trust in regression testing.

Here then is a toy regression test suite for my_template.h:


#include "exceptionalized_static_assert.h" #include "my_template.h" #include <iostream>  template<typename T, int I> struct a_test_template {     a_test_template(){};     my_template<T> _specimen;     //...     bool pass = true; };  template<typename T, int I> struct another_test_template {     another_test_template(int i) {         my_template<T> specimen;         auto j = specimen.template increase<I>(i);         //...         (void)j;     }     bool pass = true; };  template<typename T, int I> struct yet_another_test_template {     yet_another_test_template(int i) {         my_template<T> specimen;         auto j = specimen.template decrease<I>(i);         //...         (void)j;     }     bool pass = true; };  using namespace std;  int main() {     unsigned tests = 0;     unsigned passes = 0;      cout << "Test: " << ++tests << endl;         a_test_template<int,0> t0;     passes += t0.pass;     cout << "Test: " << ++tests << endl;         another_test_template<int,1> t1(1);     passes += t1.pass;     cout << "Test: " << ++tests << endl;         yet_another_test_template<int,1> t2(1);     passes += t2.pass; #if TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT == 1     try {         // Cannot instantiate my_template<T> with non-POD T         using type = a_test_template<int,0>;         cout << "Test: " << ++tests << endl;         a_test_template<type,0> specimen;      }     catch(test::exceptionalized_static_assert const & esa) {         ++passes;         cout << esa.what() << endl;     }     try {         // Cannot call my_template<T>::increase<I> with I == 0         cout << "Test: " << ++tests << endl;         another_test_template<int,0>(1);     }     catch(test::exceptionalized_static_assert const & esa) {         ++passes;         cout << esa.what() << endl;     }     try {         // Cannot call my_template<T>::decrease<I> with I == 0         cout << "Test: " << ++tests << endl;         yet_another_test_template<int,0>(1);     }     catch(test::exceptionalized_static_assert const & esa) {         ++passes;         cout << esa.what() << endl;     } #endif // TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT == 1     cout << "Passed " << passes << " out of " << tests << " tests" << endl;     cout << (passes == tests ? "*** Success :)" : "*** Failure :(") << endl;      return 0; }  // EOF 

You can compile test.cpp with at least gcc 6.1, clang 3.8 and option -std=c++14, or VC++ 19.10.24631.0 and option /std:c++latest. Do so first without defining TEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT (or defining it = 0). Then run and the the output should be:

Test: 1 Test: 2 Test: 3 Passed 3 out of 3 tests *** Success :) 

If you then repeat, but compile with -DTEST__EXCEPTIONALIZE_STATIC_ASSERT=1,

Test: 1 Test: 2 Test: 3 Test: 4 static_assert would fail with reason: T must be POD in my_template<T> Test: 5 static_assert would fail with reason: I cannot be 0 in my_template<T>::increase<I> Test: 6 static_assert would fail with reason: I cannot be 0 in my_template<T>::decrease<I> Passed 6 out of 6 tests *** Success :) 

Clearly the repetitious coding of try/catch blocks in the static-assert test cases is tedious, but in the setting of a real and respectable unit-test framework one would expect it to package exception-testing apparatus to generate such stuff out of your sight. In googletest, for example, you are able to write the like of:

TYPED_TEST(t_my_template,insist_non_zero_increase) {     ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam::template increase<0>(1),         exceptionalized_static_assert); } 

Now I can get back to my calculations of the date of Armageddon :)

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Mike Kinghan Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11

Mike Kinghan