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How to write java.sql.Blob to JPA entity?





I have a JPA entity with java.sql.Blob:

@Entity public class LargeData {    @Lob   private java.sql.Blob data;    //getters/setters } 

How to create instance of this entity? I want to set Blob with setData() method, but how to get Blob from JPA? java.sql.Blob is only interface, there are different implementations for different databases, so I assume JPA should give me right implementation. How to get it?

like image 649
amorfis Avatar asked Feb 17 '11 16:02


People also ask

How do you indicate a JPA entity?

The Id Annotation. Each JPA entity must have a primary key that uniquely identifies it. The @Id annotation defines the primary key. We can generate the identifiers in different ways, which are specified by the @GeneratedValue annotation.

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@Column. Let's start with the @Column annotation. It is an optional annotation that enables you to customize the mapping between the entity attribute and the database column.

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If your object does not have an id, but its' table does, this is fine. Make the object an Embeddable object, embeddable objects do not have ids. You will need a Entity that contains this Embeddable to persist and query it.

2 Answers

Use a byte array:

@Lob @Column(length=100000) private byte[] data; 

If you want to use streams, create the blob using Hibernate.createBlob(..)

like image 200
Bozho Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10


use a file stream. However, this appears to have various complications, depending on your database, driver, and JPA implementation. I built a generic solution, that was slow, and failed with large files, then found a Hibernate-specific solution that worked with Oracle

I'm using Spring Data / JPA, but the issue seems to be around Hibernate, not Spring.


private void testLoadFile() throws SQLException, IOException {     File f = new File("//C:/tmp/6mb_file.wmv");   BufferedInputStream fstream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));    Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);   Blob blob = Hibernate.getLobCreator(session).createBlob(fstream, f.length());    FileBLOBEntity file = new FileBLOBEntity();    file.setName("//C:/tmp/6mb_file.wmv");   file.setTheData(blob);   blobRepository.saveAndFlush(file); } 

Generic Spring/JPA:

private void testLoadFile() throws SQLException, IOException {    File f = new File("//C:/tmp/6mb_file.wmv");   BufferedInputStream fstream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));    Blob blob = connection.getConnection().createBlob();   BufferedOutputStream bstream = new  BufferedOutputStream(blob.setBinaryStream(1));   // stream copy runs a high-speed upload across the network   StreamUtils.copy(fstream, bstream);    FileBLOBEntity file = new FileBLOBEntity();    file.setName("//C:/tmp/6mb_file.wmv");   file.setTheData(blob);   // save runs a low-speed download across the network.  this is where   // Spring does the SQL insert.  For a large file, I get an OutOfMemory exception here.   blobRepository.saveAndFlush(file); } 

and for retrieval:

public void unloadFile() throws SQLException, IOException {    File f = new File("//C:/tmp/6mb_file.wmv" + "_fromDb");    FileOutputStream fstream = new FileOutputStream(f);    FileBLOBEntity file = blobRepository.findByName("//C:/tmp/6mb_file.wmv");   Blob data = file.getTheData();    InputStream bstream = data.getBinaryStream();   StreamUtils.copy(bstream, fstream);  } 
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Phil Horder Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Phil Horder