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How to write classes with parameter in scss?

Is it possible to write a class with predefined color-HexCodes? So that in my HTML I can create elements like:

$yellow: #FFFF00;

.color($colorName) { 
    color: $colorName; 

<div class="color(yellow)">

This would be my problems solution. My problem is that I have too much classes with different colors in my .scss file.


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MrKnorke Avatar asked May 03 '15 20:05


1 Answers

You can achieve this in SCSS fairly easily. For the quick solution: here's the code in a JSfiddle.

The more elaborate explanation:

Since SASS 3.3 you can use the map data structure. They store a mix of key/value pairs:

$map: (key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3);

So, in your case, you could create a map of colors (as long or as short as you like) for later reference:

$colors: (
    red: #ff0000,
    yellow: #ffd000,
    blue: #00baff,
    green: #00ff00

Now, to generate the CSS classes you need to loop over the map with a nice bit of SASS:

@each $colorname, $color in $colors {
    .square--#{$colorname} {
       background-color: $color;

All this @each loop does is cycle over each key/value pair in $colors, assigning the key (e.g: red) to $colorname and the value (e.g: #ff0000) to $color.

The compiled CSS would be:

.square--red    { background-color: #ff0000; }
.square--yellow { background-color: #ffd000; }
.square--blue   { background-color: #00baff; }
.square--green  { background-color: #00ff00; }

If in the future you want to add a new color it's as simple as adding a key/value pair to the $colors map and compiling!

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Ed B Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Ed B