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How to write a test which loops through a range of values using RSpec?






I have a very simple Ruby implementation of a game called "FizzBuzz" (i.e. given an input number, it returns "Fizz" if the number is multiple of 3, "Buzz" if multiple of 5, "FizzBuzz" if multiple of both and the original number if it doesn't fit any of the previous condition):

class FizzBuzz
    def answer(number)
        multiple3 = number%3 == 0
        multiple5 = number%5 == 0
        return case
        when (multiple3 and multiple5) then "FizzBuzz"
        when multiple3 then "Fizz"
        when multiple5 then "Buzz"
        else number

I wrote a test using RSpec to validate each one of the conditions:

require "rspec"
require "./fizzBuzz"

RSpec.describe "#answer" do
    it "returns Buzz when number is multiple of 3" do 
        result = FizzBuzz.new.answer(3)
        expect(result).to eq("Fizz")

    it "returns Buzz when number is multiple of 5" do 
        result = FizzBuzz.new.answer(5)
        expect(result).to eq("Buzz")

    it "returns a number when the input number is neither multiple of 3 nor 5" do 
        result = FizzBuzz.new.answer(11)
        expect(result).to eq(11)


The test works perfectly, however, I'm using concrete values in it (i.e. 3, 5 and 11).

My question is: what if I wanted to test my FizzBuzz Ruby script using a wide range of values (e.g. from 1 to 10000)?

I know I can solve this by using each loops and cases directly in RSpec, however, my concern is that if in my test I adopt the same conditional statements as in the Ruby script to be tested (i.e. when number%3 == 0 then "Fizz", etc.) I will end up testing my code using an RSpec script that follows exactly the same logic as the script to be tested, hence the test will probably pass successfully.

What would be the alternative? Are there best practices to write tests using a wide pool of values (e.g. using a loop) rather than hard-coded or specific values?

like image 980
Albz Avatar asked Jan 18 '16 14:01


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1 Answers

A possible half-way point here is to loop through possible answers in your RSpec tests. Keeping your code DRY is important but so is keeping your tests DRY and this is sometimes under-estimated.

How about something like this:

  RSpec.describe "#answer" do
      expected_values = {'3': 'Fizz', '5': 'Buzz', '6': 'Fizz', '11': '11', '15': 'FizzBuzz'}
      expected_values.each do |val, expected| 
        it "returns #{expected} when number is #{val}" do 
            result = FizzBuzz.new.answer(val.to_i)
            expect(result).to eq(expected)

That way, you can add tests easily by adding them to the expected_values hash, but if the method name changed or something similar you would only have to change it in one place

like image 164
Yule Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
