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How to write a pep8 configuration (pep8.rc) file?


I found the documentation for pep8 but wasn't able to understand how to write these. I couldn't even find any examples with options other than setting max-line-length and ignore.

I am trying to write a .pep8.rc file in which, among other things, I need to do the following:

  • enable show source
  • enable statistics
  • enable count
  • exclude a directory (say, for example ./random)

Can somebody answer with an example or link to one?

like image 423
Aditya Srivastava Avatar asked May 18 '15 13:05

Aditya Srivastava

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1 Answers

The preferred way is to use a setup.cfg in the top-level of the project (.cfg has the same syntax as a .ini file), which should contain a [pep8] section. For example:

[pep8] ignore = E226,E302,E41 max-line-length = 160 

Note: the error codes are defined in the pep8 docs.

  • autopep8 find this same [pep8] section as pep8.
  • flake8 needs a [flake8] section in setup.cfg.
  • yapf looks for a [yapf] section in setup.cfg.
like image 62
Andy Hayden Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10

Andy Hayden