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How to write a function in the H2 database without using Java




This question is reference to question "How to create stored procedure using H2 database?" (continuation of the same question).

Is there a way to write a function in H2 without using Java code? My requirement is to translate the functions written in SQL to H2 without using Java code. I found lot of examples in different portals doing the same using Java code. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Regards Arun

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arun_kk Avatar asked Jun 25 '13 09:06


People also ask

Does H2 database support functions?

Currently, H2 does only support functions written in Java or a related language (for example Groovy or Scala). PL/SQL (Oracle) and T-SQL (MS SQL Server, Sybase) are not supported.

How do I run H2 database locally?

Click Windows → type H2 Console → Click H2 console icon. Connect to the URL http://localhost:8082. At the time of connecting, the H2 database will ask for database registration as shown in the following screenshot.

What language does H2 use?

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in client-server mode. The software is available as open source software Mozilla Public License 2.0 or the original Eclipse Public License.

2 Answers

Currently, H2 does only support functions written in Java or a related language (for example Groovy or Scala). PL/SQL (Oracle) and T-SQL (MS SQL Server, Sybase) are not supported.

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Thomas Mueller Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Thomas Mueller

If your primary goal is to run SQL (or SQLesque) statements within your H2 Java user-defined functions, jOOQ could be an option as a "PL/Java" implementation. Of course, this would still be a Java solution.

An example of such a function can be seen in this blog post:


public class Functions {
    public static int countBooks(Connection connection, Integer authorId) 
    throws SQLException {
        // Translate your T-SQL statements to jOOQ statements
        return DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.H2)
                  .fetchOne(0, int.class);

Declare the above method as an ALIAS to H2

CREATE ALIAS countBooks 
   FOR "org.example.Functions.countBooks";

Use the function in SQL

SELECT author.last_name, countBooks(author.id) 
FROM author

A similar approach can be taken with H2's own SQL abstraction JaQu, of course. Using JaQu wouldn't add any additional dependency, I think.

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Lukas Eder Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Lukas Eder