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How to wrap checked exceptions but keep the original runtime exceptions in Java

I have some code that might throw both checked and runtime exceptions.

I'd like to catch the checked exception and wrap it with a runtime exception. But if a RuntimeException is thrown, I don't have to wrap it as it's already a runtime exception.

The solution I have has a bit overhead and isn't "neat":

try {   // some code that can throw both checked and runtime exception } catch (RuntimeException e) {   throw e; } catch (Exception e) {   throw new RuntimeException(e); } 

Any idea for a more elegant way?

like image 957
AlikElzin-kilaka Avatar asked Sep 27 '16 08:09


People also ask

Can checked exceptions occur at runtime?

A checked exception is caught at compile time whereas a runtime or unchecked exception is, as it states, at runtime. A checked exception must be handled either by re-throwing or with a try catch block, whereas an unchecked isn't required to be handled.

Can we extend checked exception instead runtime exception?

If you want to write a checked exception that is automatically enforced by the Handle or Declare Rule, you need to extend the Exception class. If you want to write a runtime exception, you need to extend the RuntimeException class.

Why runtime exceptions are not checked?

Because the Java programming language does not require methods to catch or to specify unchecked exceptions ( RuntimeException , Error , and their subclasses), programmers may be tempted to write code that throws only unchecked exceptions or to make all their exception subclasses inherit from RuntimeException .

2 Answers

I use a "blind" rethrow to pass up checked exceptions. I have used this for passing through the Streams API where I can't use lambdas which throw checked exceptions. e.g We have ThrowingXxxxx functional interfaces so the checked exception can be passed through.

This allows me to catch the checked exception in a caller naturally without needing to know a callee had to pass it through an interface which didn't allow checked exceptions.

try {   // some code that can throw both checked and runtime exception  } catch (Exception e) {   throw rethrow(e); } 

In a calling method I can declare the checked exception again.

public void loadFile(String file) throws IOException {    // call method with rethrow } 

/**  * Cast a CheckedException as an unchecked one.  *  * @param throwable to cast  * @param <T>       the type of the Throwable  * @return this method will never return a Throwable instance, it will just throw it.  * @throws T the throwable as an unchecked throwable  */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Throwable> RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable throwable) throws T {     throw (T) throwable; // rely on vacuous cast } 

There is a lot of different options for handling exceptions. We use a few of them.


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Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Peter Lawrey

Guava's Throwables.propagate() does exactly this:

try {     // some code that can throw both checked and runtime exception } catch (Exception e) {     throw Throwables.propagate(e); } 

UPDATE: This method is now deprecated. See this page for a detailed explanation.

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shmosel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
