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How to work with multiple ssh keys [duplicate]

GitHub Users,

I am newbie on github and have some issue with git setup. I have 2 account with different users on github and i have setup git on my system 2 times

First /.ssh folder (as usual) (contain id_rsa which copied in first account)
Second /.ssh/new folder (contain id_rsa which copied in second account)

now at the time of push how can i switch between ssh key?

Because if i would like to push for second account it will use .ssh key instead of .ssh/new and gives me error.

Please make me correct if i am understood something wrong here.


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Arun Rana Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 10:01

Arun Rana

People also ask

Can I use multiple SSH keys?

For instance, you can run an Organization's GitHub account and another one for your personal projects all on the same computer. In this article, you will learn how to use multiple SSH keys for different GitHub accounts. While working with two different GitHub accounts, you must set them up using an SSH key.

How many public SSH keys can you have?

You can have as many keys as you desire. It's good practice to use separate private/public key sets for different realms anyway, like one set for your personal use, one for your work, etc. Next, append the contents of your id_rsa.

1 Answers

(I've voted to close this as a possible duplicate, but I might as well add a similar answer anyway.)

When using the SSH transport, GitHub identifies you as a user based on the SSH key that you use to authenticate. So, you need to make sure that git is using one SSH key for one repository and another for the other.

I'm going to assume that:

  1. You have a GitHub account called user1, and you've added to that account the public key corresponding to your local private key /home/whoever/.ssh/id_rsa. Let's say that the repository you're interested in accessing as user1 is user1/whatever on GitHub.
  2. You have a second GitHub account called user2 and you've added to that account the public key corresponding to your local private key /home/whoever/.ssh/new/id_rsa. Let's say that the repository you're interested in accessing as user2 is user2/whatever on GitHub.

The simplest way to do deal with this is to create a new "remote" (i.e. a nickname for a remote repository) for each repository, where the hostname is in each remote's URL is actually an alias that you've set up in ~/.ssh/config. (If that config file doesn't exist, you'll have to create it.)

For example, one entry in the ~/.ssh/config file might look like:

Host github-as-user1   HostName github.com   User git   IdentityFile /home/whoever/.ssh/id_rsa 

Then you can add a remote called gh-user1, say, with:

git remote add gh-user1 git@github-as-user1:user1/whatever.git 

... and then if you want to push your master branch to the repository user1/whatever on GitHub using the ~/.ssh/id_rsa key, you can just do:

git push gh-user1 master 

In order to push as the other user (user2) to the second repository, you need to add a second alias to you ~/.ssh/config file. For example:

Host gh-as-user2   HostName github.com   User git   IdentityFile /home/whoever/.ssh/new/id_rsa 

Then to push to that second repository as the different user, you can just do:

git push gh-user2 master 
like image 99
Mark Longair Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Mark Longair