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How to widget-test FutureBuilder with unresolved Future

I wonder how I can test the case when a future is not yet completed in flutter widget tests.

The widget should show a spinner as long as the future is unresolved.

I tride this test case:

  'should show a spinner when loading',
  (WidgetTester tester) async {
        .thenAnswer((_) => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 30), () => []));
    await tester.pumpWidget(withApp(ValueListPage(
      valueRepository: valueRepository,

    await tester.pumpAndSettle(
        Duration(seconds: 10), EnginePhase.build, Duration(minutes: 1));

    expect(find.byType(CircularProgressIndicator), findsOneWidget);

Result: The future is resolved and the expectation fails.

Note: withApp initializes an App with localization. Because of that I have to call tester.pumpAndSettle() to wait for l10n.

like image 768
svi3c Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 12:10


2 Answers


  'should show a spinner when loading',
  (WidgetTester tester) async {
    tester.runAsync(() async {
          .thenAnswer((_) => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 30), () => []));
      await tester.pumpWidget(withApp(ValueListPage(
        valueRepository: valueRepository,

      await tester.pumpAndSettle(
          Duration(seconds: 10), EnginePhase.build, Duration(minutes: 1));

      expect(find.byType(CircularProgressIndicator), findsOneWidget);

Tests run with fakeAsync by default and some async code doesn't run properly with fakeAsync.

like image 189
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 20:12

Günter Zöchbauer

I found a working solution with fakeAsync:

  'should show a spinner when loading',
  (WidgetTester tester) async {
          (_) => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () => []));
      await tester.pumpWidget(withApp(ValueListPage(
        valueRepository: valueRepository,

      await tester.pump();

      expect(find.byType(CircularProgressIndicator), findsOneWidget);
      await tester.pumpAndSettle();
      expect(find.byType(CircularProgressIndicator), findsNothing);
like image 42
svi3c Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 19:12
