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How to webview swipe gesture detect with multitouch zooming enabled withing a flipper

So is there a way for a webview control to detect a swipe while capable of doing multitouch zoom and having build-in zoom controls?

like image 851
weakwire Avatar asked Jul 14 '10 10:07


1 Answers

YES!There is a way of doing that by implementing WebView and creating a custom Webview This way the custom WebView has build in swipe detection having at the same time multi touch and build in controls for zoom.

//Declaring the custom Webview and put into a viewflipper

MyWebView[] webview =new MyWebView[2];
    flipper = (ViewFlipper) findViewById(R.id.ViewFlipper);

 webview[i] = new MyWebView(this);
 webview[i].setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient());


and here is the custom webview

 public class MyWebView extends WebView {
  public MyWebView(Context context) {

     public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent evt) {   

         boolean consumed = super.onTouchEvent(evt); 
     if (isClickable()) { 
         switch (evt.getAction()) { 
     case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: 
         lastTouchX = evt.getX(); 
         lastTouchY = evt.getY();
         downXValue = evt.getX();
         downTime = evt.getEventTime();
         hasMoved = false; 
     case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: 
         hasMoved = moved(evt); 
     case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: 
        float currentX = evt.getX();
           long currentTime = evt.getEventTime();
           float difference = Math.abs(downXValue - currentX);
           long time = currentTime - downTime;

           Log.i("Touch Event:",  "Distance: " + difference + "px Time: " + time + "ms");

           if ( (downXValue < currentX) && (time < 220) && (difference > 100) ) {

             if ( (downXValue > currentX) && (time < 220) && (difference > 100) ) {


                 //if (!moved(evt)) performClick(); 
         return consumed || isClickable(); 
  float downXValue;
  long downTime;
     private float lastTouchX, lastTouchY; 
     private boolean hasMoved = false; 
     private boolean moved(MotionEvent evt) { 
         return hasMoved || 
             Math.abs(evt.getX() - lastTouchX) > 10.0 || 
             Math.abs(evt.getY() - lastTouchY) > 10.0; 


And that's It.You have Build in swipe detection.Code is in a bit "pseudocode" and haven't cleaned it up but Overriding the onTouchEvent in MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE and case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP should do the trick.You can also play with the time and difference bounds .

like image 174
weakwire Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09
