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How to watch for ng-model created with ng-bind-html

I need some help with an ng-model created with ng-bind-html. I have a JSON file in the server in which I have some html and some inputs like this:


  "test": {
    "1": {
      "question":"<span>1. something:</span>",
      "options":"<input type='radio' name='q1' ng-model='q.1' value='a'>a) op 1<br><input type='radio' name='q1' ng-model='q.1' value='b'>b) op 2<br><input type='radio' name='q1' ng-model='q.1' value='c'>c) op 3<br><input type='radio' name='q1' ng-model='q.1' value='d'>d) op 4<br><input type='radio' name='q1' ng-model='q.1' value='e'>e) op 5<br>",
    "2": {

Then in my HTML file I have something like:

<div class="testContent">
        <div class="test">
            <div class="questions" ng-repeat="qs in questions" ng-show="questions.length">
                <div ng-bind-html="qs.question"></div>
                <div class="options" ng-bind-html="qs.options">
        <div class="nextBtn">
            <a href="#test/6" class="btn btnNext" ng-click="save()"> continue ></a>

And in my Angular controller I have the ajax call for the JSON file:


.controller('testCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', 'myService', '$sce', 
function($scope, $http, myService, $sce, ){
    $http.get(urls.url_otis).success(function(data, status){                
            angular.forEach(data.test, function(value, key){                    
                var q = data.test[key];
                q[key] = key;
                q.question = $sce.trustAsHtml(q.question);                    
                q.options = $sce.trustAsHtml(q.options);

    }).error(function(data, status){console.log(status)});

The html is populated but I cannot use $watch for the model (q) generated with this approach.

How can I $watch for changes in the models created in this way?

Thanks in advance...

like image 799
carloscarcamo Avatar asked Jul 03 '14 18:07


1 Answers

You have to compile dynamically created elements to let angular know about them.

Directive which can do that may look like this one:

app.directive('compile',function($compile, $timeout){
        link: function(scope,elem,attrs){

$timeout is used to run compile function, after ng-bind-html do its job.

Now you can just simply put compile as attribute of div with ng-bind-html:

<div class="questions" ng-repeat="item in questions" ng-show="questions.length" >
   <div ng-bind-html="item.question"></div>
   <div compile class="options" ng-bind-html="item.options"></div>

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/nZ89y/7/

like image 127
akn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
