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How to watch events on a kubernetes service using its go client




I would like to be informed when ever a service is changed on kubernetes using client-go.

like image 787
Ramin Mir. Avatar asked Dec 05 '16 13:12

Ramin Mir.

People also ask

How can I watch Kubernetes events?

To collect or watch the events, you can run kubectl get events --watch in deployment and collect the output with a third-party logging tool. To watch Kubernetes events, many free and paid third-party tools help provide visibility and reporting of events in a Kubernetes cluster resource.

How do I get event logs in Kubernetes?

The easiest way to collect event logs is to simply run kubectl get events --watch in a deployment, and collect its output with the Banzai Cloud Logging operator.

How do you check events in pods?

You can use kubectl get events --output json to check the data structure. $ kubectl get events --output json { "apiVersion": "v1", "items": [ { "apiVersion": "v1", "count": 259, "eventTime": null, "firstTimestamp": "2020-04-15T12:00:46Z", "involvedObject": { <------ **this** "apiVersion": "v1", "fieldPath": "spec.

1 Answers

this can be done like this:

package main

import (


var (
    kubeconfig = flag.String("kubeconfig", "./config", "absolute path to the kubeconfig file")

func main() {
    config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", *kubeconfig)
    if err != nil {
    clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
    if err != nil {

    watchlist := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(clientset.Core().RESTClient(), "services", v1.NamespaceDefault,
    _, controller := cache.NewInformer(
        time.Second * 0,
            AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
                fmt.Printf("service added: %s \n", obj)
            DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
                fmt.Printf("service deleted: %s \n", obj)
            UpdateFunc:func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
                fmt.Printf("service changed \n")
    stop := make(chan struct{})
    go controller.Run(stop)
like image 139
Ramin Mir. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Ramin Mir.