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How to wait until element present?



I want my Selenium IDE case test to wait 10 secs for the element id = "successed" to appear, and fail the test if it won't happen within 10 secs

This is what I wrote;

Selenium.prototype.doWaitForElementIdToAppear = function(){
    selenium.doWaitForCondition("selenium.assertElementNotPresent(\"id=successed\")", "10000");

...but it never fails. Any help will be appreciated.

like image 957
Artur Stary Avatar asked Oct 13 '14 13:10

Artur Stary

1 Answers

Solved this way, using Selenium in-build function

Selenium IDE - this is working

like image 128
Artur Stary Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 13:01

Artur Stary