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How to wait until all stores are Sync in ExtJs?

I have a list of grids that can change their data in form by end-user. Finally, I want to sync all the grids by clicking the button, then an operation is performed.

I wrote the code below:

       .forEach(function(item) {
             if (item.getXType() == "grid") {
                if (item.store.getNewRecords().length > 0 || item.store.getUpdatedRecords().length > 0 || item.store.getRemovedRecords().length > 0) {
})).then(function (results) {
    //do something

Problem is here that store.sync() not waiting for callback.

What is the recommended way of doing this?

like image 220
Hossein Avatar asked Sep 15 '18 10:09


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1 Answers

I do it with Promise like this:

 // Sync grid data if exist dirty data
     .map(grid => grid.getStore())
     .filter(s => (s.getNewRecords().length + s.getUpdatedRecords().length + s.getRemovedRecords().length) > 0)
     .map(s => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
               success: () => { resolve(); },
               failure: () => { reject(); }
      ).then(() => {
           //do something
like image 165
Hossein Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
