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How to visualize a neo4j graph [closed]

I want to visualize a neo4j embedded graph within my JAVA application. I have read the Max De Marzi's Graph Visualization Blog but I could not find anything in JAVA but only ruby and C++

May you help me to find a guide to install something easy to visualize my graph? I need just to see nodes and relationships.

P.S. I do not want to use external programs. As a result I do not like: linkurio neoclipse webadmin gephi etc.

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QGA Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 14:12


1 Answers

There are various options to visualize graph data from Neo4j :

  • D3.js, Sigma.js, Keylines : javascript libraries for graph visualization
  • Gephi : open-source solution for graph visualization. It has a plugin to easily import Neo4j databases
  • Linkurious : a solution to search, explore and visualize graph data from Neo4j
  • Neoclipse : a tool to view, edit and explore Neo4j databases
  • Neovigator : a tool to visually explore graphs
  • Neo4j's webadmin : already installed with Neo4j

Here is a table that sum this up and explain the differences : http://linkurio.us/comparative-study/

I also suggest reading Max de Marzi's blog, he is an expert on visualization and Neo4j : http://maxdemarzi.com/

Good luck exploring your data!

Disclaimer : I'm a co-founder of Linkurious

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jvilledieu Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 04:12
