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How to visit a URL with Ruby via http and read the output?




So far I have been able to stitch this together :)

  open("http://www.somemain.com/" + path + "/" + blah)
 rescue OpenURI::HTTPError
   @failure += painting.permalink
   @success += painting.permalink

But how do I read the output of the service that I would be calling?

like image 386
GeekedOut Avatar asked May 20 '11 23:05


2 Answers

Open-URI extends open, so you'll get a type of IO stream returned:

open('http://www.example.com') #=> #<StringIO:0x00000100977420>

You have to read that to get content:

open('http://www.example.com').read[0 .. 10] #=> "<!DOCTYPE h"

A lot of times a method will let you pass different types as a parameter. They check to see what it is and either use the contents directly, in the case of a string, or read the handle if it's a stream.

For HTML and XML, such as RSS feeds, we'll typically pass the handle to a parser and let it grab the content, parse it, and return an object suitable for searching further:

require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('http://www.example.com'))
doc.class #=> Nokogiri::HTML::Document
doc.to_html[0 .. 10] #=> "<!DOCTYPE h"
doc.at('h1').text #=> "Example Domains"
like image 149
the Tin Man Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

the Tin Man

doc = open("http://etc..")
content = doc.read

More often people want to be able to parse the returned document, for this use something like hpricot or nokogiri

like image 36
smathy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
