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How to view Work Items associated with a Release in Azure DevOps



Similar to this question but for Azure DevOps. Going back 6-12 months, I was able to open a deployed Release (or possibly a successful Build, my memory is hazy) in what was then VSTS and view the backlog Work Items associated with it. On that page I was also able to filter on release names so that the list would show me all Work Items associated with any Release from the same Release Definition that was newer than the one I filtered on. This was how I used to put together our user-friendly release notes. It allowed me to view the bugs that'd been fixed, the features that'd been included, and so on. As far as I can tell, this feature no longer exists in Azure DevOps - at least, I can't find it.

The closest I can get is to view a list of Changesets from a particular date in the Changesets pivot, but that's not as comprehensive as a list of Work Items that were completed, and also doesn't tell me which Release those Changesets were included in.

I can also run a Query to show Work Items completed from a particular date but again I don't think I can view what Releases those Work Items were associated with, and even if I could it wouldn't help much unless I could filter Work Items based on the repository branch from which the Release was created.

Does anybody know if there is a way now in Azure DevOps to view the Work Items associated with a particular Release or Build? And, ideally, a list of Work Items associated with any Build or Release created from a specified Build or Release Definition from a particular date (e.g. "Show me all Work Items associated with Builds created from the 'Education Only Version' Build Definition since January 1st").

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Philip Stratford Avatar asked Jan 16 '19 11:01

Philip Stratford

People also ask

How do I view all work items in Azure DevOps?

To view Work Items, choose Boards. You can view recently created, updated, and completed work items. By default, completed work items are hidden. To show them, choose view options, and switch the slider to show Completed Work Items.

How do I search for a work item in Azure DevOps?

Search by work item IDEnter the work item ID in the Azure DevOps title bar to quickly go to it. Searching for a work item ID opens the work item in a modal dialog, providing quick access to read and edit work items.

How do I extract work items from Azure DevOps?

From any query, you can export a list of work items as a comma-delimited list. Open the query, choose the actions icon, and choose Export to CSV. To learn more, see Bulk import or update work items using CSV files. Requires Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 or later version.

1 Answers


Edit: I just realized this question was long ago... it showed near the top, assuming you have this solution but now

When you deploy a stage you can see all the work items and commits that are linked to commits since the last build that went to that stage.

enter image description here

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Gordon Beeming Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10

Gordon Beeming