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How to view maven dependency hierarchy in intellij

People also ask

Where is dependency hierarchy in IntelliJ?

In the POM, right-click anywhere in the editor to open the context menu and select Maven | Show Dependencies. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U or Ctrl+Alt+U . In the diagram window, IntelliJ IDEA displays the sub project and all its dependencies including the transitive ones.

How do I check dependencies in IntelliJ?

Analyze dependenciesFrom the main menu, select File | Project Structure Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S and click Modules | Dependencies. Right-click the necessary dependency and select Analyze This Dependency.

How do you determine dependency hierarchy?

Maven Dependency Tree in Eclipse IDExml “Dependency Hierarchy” tab shows the dependency tree of the project. It has two sides - the left side shows verbose output and the right side shows the resolved dependencies. We can use the “Filter” option to look for a specific dependency.

Why maven dependencies are not showing in IntelliJ?

If the dependencies weren't imported correctly (IntelliJ IDEA highlights them), try to perform the following actions: You can check your local maven repository in the Maven | Repositories settings and try to update it. You can check the jar file of the local . m2 repository to see if it was downloaded correctly.

I also like the Maven Helper Plugin.

Allows you to see dependencies as a tree, see conflicts, search in them. It looks a lot like the Eclipse tooling.

Notice the Text and Dependency Analyzer tabs that appear at the bottom of the POM editor panel. Click the analyzer tab to see results as shown in this screenshot.

screenshot of Maven Helper Plugin window

You can try: Menu -> View -> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects

And then you can see new view openned.

Open your Dependencies tree, and you can see all the dependency hierarchy.

enter image description here

Offical documentation: View Maven dependencies as a diagram

Open the pom.xml, right click anywhere in the editor and choose "Diagrams > Show Dependencies". It opens a dependency tree like those I'm attaching.

The main point is that this context menu appears only on opened pom.xml file (at least I couldn't managed to open it from anywhere else), if you just click on the file in the project tree, it won't be present.

Please note: You need to have UML Support and Maven Integration Extension enabled for this.

enter image description here

Use the shortcut Luke! Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U

Or select View -> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects

...here you can either:

A) expand the Dependencies sub-tree,


B) select the project ("spring-boot" in my case), a new icon reveals itself

enter image description here

Select Module or Directory and then Analyze from main menu

enter image description here