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How to view docker-compose healthcheck logs?

Inside my docker-compose.yml, I have the following service healthcheck section. I want to know if MariaDB is actually ready to handle queries. A service named cmd is configured to depend on condition: service_healthy.

  db:     image: mariadb:10     environment:       MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: 1       MYSQL_USER: user       MYSQL_PASSWORD: password       MYSQL_DATABASE: database     healthcheck:       test: ["CMD", "mysql", "--user=user", "--password=password", "--execute='SELECT 1'", "--host=", "--port=3306"]       interval: 1s       retries: 30 

This healthcheck does not work, shows that the service is unhealthy.

How do I check the output of the test CMD?

like image 707
Jacob Marble Avatar asked Mar 11 '17 16:03

Jacob Marble

People also ask

How do I view docker compose logs?

First of all, to list all running containers, use the docker ps command. Then, with the docker logs command you can list the logs for a particular container. Most of the time you'll end up tailing these logs in real time, or checking the last few logs lines.

How can I check the health status of a docker container?

We can also see the health status by running docker ps. Notice under STATUS, the status is Up with (healthy) next to it. The health status appears only when a health check is configured.

What does docker Healthcheck do?

The HEALTHCHECK directive tells Docker how to determine if the state of the container is normal. This was a new directive introduced during Docker 1.12.

2 Answers

docker-compose ps will indicate the status of each service, including its health if healthcheck is defined. It's good for a basic overview.

% docker-compose ps                 Name                                Command                       State                                       Ports                             ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- remix-theme-editor_analytics_1            /bin/sh -c /analytics/run. ...   Up                                                                                    remix-theme-editor_base_1                 /bin/bash                        Exit 0                                                                                remix-theme-editor_flower_1               /entrypoint --environment  ...   Exit 137                                                                              remix-theme-editor_frontend_1             /bin/sh -c perl -p -i -e ' ...   Exit 137                                                                              remix-theme-editor_js-app_1               npm run                          Exit 0                                                                                remix-theme-editor_mq_1                   docker-entrypoint.sh rabbi ...   Up (healthy)            15671/tcp, 15672/tcp, 25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp remix-theme-editor_mysql-migration_1      /entrypoint_mysql-migratio ...   Exit 0                                                                                remix-theme-editor_mysql_1                /bin/sh -c /entrypoint_wra ...   Up (health: starting)>3306/tcp                                      remix-theme-editor_page-renderer_1        npm run start:watch              Up                                                                                    remix-theme-editor_python-app_1           /entrypoint                      Exit 2                                                                                remix-theme-editor_redis_1                docker-entrypoint.sh /bin/ ...   Up (health: starting)   6379/tcp                                                      remix-theme-editor_scheduler_1            /entrypoint --environment  ...   Exit 137                                                                              remix-theme-editor_socket_1               /entrypoint --environment  ...   Exit 1                                                                                remix-theme-editor_static-builder_1       npm run watch                    Up                                                                                    remix-theme-editor_static-http_1          nginx -g daemon off;             Up            >443/tcp, 80/tcp                               remix-theme-editor_web_1                  /entrypoint --environment  ...   Exit 1                                                                                remix-theme-editor_worker_1               /entrypoint --environment  ...   Exit 1                                                                                remix-theme-editor_worker_screenshots_1   /entrypoint --environment  ...   Exit 1      

If you want more details, use docker inspect in conjuction with docker ps -q <service-name>.

% docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" $(docker-compose ps -q mq) | jq {   "Status": "starting",   "FailingStreak": 48,   "Log": [     {       "Start": "2018-10-03T00:40:18.671527745-05:00",       "End": "2018-10-03T00:40:18.71729051-05:00",       "ExitCode": -1,       "Output": "OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused \"exec: \\\"nc\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\": unknown"     }, ... 

You can always debug the healthcheck yourself by simply executing your healthcheck code yourself. For example:

% docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q socket) nc -w2 5672 (UNKNOWN) [] 5672 (?) : Connection refused 

You can also do the same in shell:

% docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q socket) bash root@b5da5207d344:~/src# nc -w2 5672 (UNKNOWN) [] 5672 (?) : Connection refused root@b5da5207d344:~/src# echo $? 1 

Finally, you can simply use docker-compose up in the first terminal window, and docker-compose logs -f in another. This will display all logs from docker-compose-managed containers.

like image 34
Nowaker Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09


You can use:

docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" <container name> | jq 


{     "Status": "unhealthy",     "FailingStreak": 63,     "Log": [         {             "Start": "2017-03-11T20:49:19.668895201+03:30",             "End": "2017-03-11T20:49:19.735722044+03:30",             "ExitCode": 1,             "Output": "ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''SELECT 1'' at line 1\n"         }     ] } 

And look for the output section.

To get the Output only:

docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" mariadb_db_1 | jq '.Log[].Output' 

For swarm mode use the folling format (thanks for pointing it out @shotgunner):


Feel free to swap jq for whatever tool you use for json pretty print.

like image 68
Farhad Farahi Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Farhad Farahi