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How to view diff of a forked github project

I have forked a project on github and need to have a set of changes I made since I forked, in diff format.

If you wonder - I've forked Apache httpd and I'm changing some code in core. Currently I'm not commiting any changes, running git diff, and use its output as a patch against vanilla httpd sources in an RPM building process. It is, of course, wrong, but I don't know how to do it properly. All I know is I need a diff in the end.

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GDR Avatar asked Sep 25 '10 08:09


People also ask

How do I see differences in GitHub?

On the Github, go to the Source view of your project. You will see a link named 'Branch List'. Once the page opens you can see a list of all the remote branches. Hit on the Compare button in front of any of the available branches to see the difference between two branches.

Can I see who forked GitHub?

Clicking the number of forks shows you the full network. From there you can click "members" to see who forked the repo.

2 Answers

Online solution:

get /repos/{owner}/{repo}/compare/{base}...{head} 

The "compare two commits" API does support multiple repositories:

Both :base and :head must be branch names in :repo.
To compare branches across other repositories in the same network as :repo, use the format <USERNAME>:branch.



Or with a GitHub URL:


Original answer 2010:

  • Add the original GitHub repo (the one you have forked) as a remote one on your local repo.
    (git remote add mainRepo github_url)
  • git fetch mainRepo to get the latest changes from that original "mainRepo".
  • git log HEAD..mainRepo/master will show you all your changes between the latest on mainRepo master branch and your current branch.
    git diff HEAD..mainRepo/master would display it in diff format.

In learn.GitHub:

git diff mainRepo/master...HEAD 

would list all your changes since you have forked from mainRepo:

This will not compare the last ‘master’ branch snapshot and the last ‘dev’ snapshot - it will instead compare the common ancestor of both with ‘dev’. That will tell you what changed since the branch point.

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09


This is an old question, but I just found a very nice method to get a patch or diff file directly from Github.

When you are on your fork, there is a "Compare" link. Using that you are getting to the compare view.



Now you can manually add either ".diff" or ".patch" to the end of this url, and you get the file directly in your browser.



Source: https://github.com/blog/967-github-secrets

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beat Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09
