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How to verify whether new tab opened or not in selenium webdriver?



I have a situation where I have to check whether after clicking on a link a new tab is opened or not. If the tab opens I want to check the title as well.

Does anyone have any idea about this.

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OPTIMUS Avatar asked Apr 22 '14 11:04


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2 Answers

Here is the same for C#; this is tested and will work whether the link opens in new tab or new window.

var browserTabs = driver.WindowHandles;            

//check is it correct page opened or not (e.g. check page's title or url, etc.)
// ...
//close tab and get back

Hope this helps anyone who comes across this thread.

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amoyer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


You can use below method to implement the desired wait until the tab is fully loaded.

  public static void switchTabs(WebDriver driver, int expectedWindowsCount,int SwitchtoWindow) throws Exception {
    (new WebDriverWait(driver, 30)).until(ExpectedConditions.numberOfWindowsToBe(expectedWindowsCount));
    ArrayList<String> tabs2 = new ArrayList<String>(driver.getWindowHandles());

The method will check how many Active window handlers are available and wait until desired handlers are present and switch to the tab afterwards.

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Avishka Perera Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Avishka Perera