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How to validate multipart/form-data in Express-validator using Nodejs



A snippet of my code where i show my defined router,checking body param and checking for validation error.

My defined Post request:

router.post("/addEmployee",upload.any(), function(req, res, next) {

  /*I used multer because body data from multipart/form-data*/

var input = JSON.parse(req.body.data);

Server validation: // validation not work because req.checkBody only get bodyData now i am using multipart/form-data (req.body.data)

req.checkBody('EMPID', "**EMPID must be Integer**").notEmpty().isNumeric();

req.checkBody('PAYROLLID', "**PAYROLLID must be Integer**").notEmpty().isNumeric();



Check validation error

var validationError = req.validationErrors(); //check error

// if (validationError) { //suppose get error -- throw that error


 } else { //validation success

......strong text
like image 212
Manimaran Avatar asked Nov 18 '17 06:11


People also ask

How do you validate data in node js?

Validation in node. js can be easily done by using the express-validator module. This module is popular for data validation. There are other modules available in market like hapi/joi, etc but express-validator is widely used and popular among them.

What is validationResult in express validator?

validationResult(req)Extracts the validation errors from a request and makes them available in a Result object. Each error returned by . array() and . mapped() methods has the following format by default: { "msg": "The error message", "param": "param.

How do I validate a user in node js?

js file inside the helper folder as seen below: const Validator = require('validatorjs'); const validator = async (body, rules, customMessages, callback) => { const validation = new Validator(body, rules, customMessages); validation. passes(() => callback(null, true)); validation. fails(() => callback(validation.

Which is better express validator or Joi?

Joi can be used for creating schemas (just like we use mongoose for creating NoSQL schemas) and you can use it with plain Javascript objects. It's like a plug n play library and is easy to use. On the other hand, express-validator uses validator. js to validate expressjs routes, and it's mainly built for express.

1 Answers

Use express validator middleware after the multer that's why express validator work naturally

This example work for me , try this

import require dependencies

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var multer = require('multer');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');

configure multer

var obj = {};
var diskStorage = multer.diskStorage({


        var dest = path.join(__dirname,'/uploads');

            if(err) cb(err,dest);
            else cb(null,dest);
        var ext = path.extname(file.originalname);
        var file_name = Date.now()+ext;
        obj.file_name = file_name;
var upload = multer({storage:diskStorage});

prepare validation middleware

 var validator = function(req,res,next){

            req.checkBody('name').notEmpty().withMessage('Name field is required');
            .withMessage('Email field is required')
            .withMessage('Enter a valid email address')
            .withMessage('Email address already exists');

            req.checkBody('password').notEmpty().withMessage('Password field is required');
            req.checkBody('retype_password').notEmpty().withMessage('Retyp password field is required');

            req.checkBody('password').isEqual(req.body.retype_password).withMessage('Password and confirm password did not match.');

            req.checkBody('address').notEmpty().withMessage('Address field is required');

            req.asyncValidationErrors().then(function() {
            }).catch(function(errors) {


save requested data into db

router.post('/store',upload.single('avatar'),validator,async function(req,res,next){

            var newUser = User({
                created_at:new Date()

                await newUser.save();
                req.flash('success_message','New user has been successfully created');
                return res.redirect('back');

                throw new Error(err);
like image 57
Kumar Subedi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10

Kumar Subedi