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How to validate more than one field of pydantic model

I want to validate three model Fields of pydantic model. To Do this i am importing root_validator from pydantic. Getting below error. I found this in the https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/validators/#root-validators. Could any one help me. Find the error below. from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, root_validator Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: cannot import name 'root_validator' from 'pydantic' (C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\pydantic__init__.py)

I tried in

def validate_all(cls,v,values,**kwargs):

I am inheriting my pydantic model from some common fields parent model. Values showing only parent class fields, but not my child class fields. for example

class Parent(BaseModel):
    name: str
    comments: str
class Customer(Parent):
    address: str
    phone: str

    def validate_all(cls,v,values, **kwargs):
         #here values showing only (name and comment) but not address and phone.
like image 265
samba Avatar asked Apr 23 '20 16:04


People also ask

What is __ root __ In Pydantic?

The root type can be any type supported by pydantic, and is specified by the type hint on the __root__ field. The root value can be passed to the model __init__ via the __root__ keyword argument, or as the first and only argument to parse_obj . Python 3.7 and above Python 3.9 and above.

What does Pydantic field do?

You can use Pydantic's Field to declare extra validations and metadata for model attributes. You can also use the extra keyword arguments to pass additional JSON Schema metadata.

What is a field validator?

Field validation is an automated process of ascertaining that each field contains the correct value before the form is accepted. The concept is straightforward.

3 Answers

To extend on the answer of Rahul R, this example shows in more detail how to use the pydantic validators.

This example contains all the necessary information to answer your question.

Note, that there is also the option to use a @root_validator, as mentioned by Kentgrav, see the example at the bottom of the post for more details.

import pydantic

class Parent(pydantic.BaseModel):
    name: str
    comments: str

class Customer(Parent):
    address: str
    phone: str

    # If you want to apply the Validator to the fields "name", "comments", "address", "phone"
    @pydantic.validator("name", "comments", "address", "phone")
    def validate_all_fields_one_by_one(cls, field_value):
        # Do the validation instead of printing
        print(f"{cls}: Field value {field_value}")

        return field_value  # this is the value written to the class field

    # if you want to validate to content of "phone" using the other fields of the Parent and Child class
    def validate_one_field_using_the_others(cls, field_value, values, field, config):
        parent_class_name = values["name"]
        parent_class_address = values["address"] # works because "address" is already validated once we validate "phone"
        # Do the validation instead of printing
        print(f"{field_value} is the {field.name} of {parent_class_name}")

        return field_value 

Customer(name="Peter", comments="Pydantic User", address="Home", phone="117")


<class '__main__.Customer'>: Field value Peter
<class '__main__.Customer'>: Field value Pydantic User
<class '__main__.Customer'>: Field value Home
<class '__main__.Customer'>: Field value 117
117 is the phone number of Peter
Customer(name='Peter', comments='Pydantic User', address='Home', phone='117')

To answer your question in more detail:

Add the fields to validate to the @validator decorator directly above the validation function.

  • @validator("name") uses the field value of "name" (e.g. "Peter") as input to the validation function. All fields of the class and its parent classes can be added to the @validator decorator.
  • the validation function (validate_all_fields_one_by_one) then uses the field value as the second argument (field_value) for which to validate the input. The return value of the validation function is written to the class field. The signature of the validation function is def validate_something(cls, field_value) where the function and variable names can be chosen arbitrarily (but the first argument should be cls). According to Arjan (https://youtu.be/Vj-iU-8_xLs?t=329), also the @classmethod decorator should be added.

If the goal is to validate one field by using other (already validated) fields of the parent and child class, the full signature of the validation function is def validate_something(cls, field_value, values, field, config) (the argument names values,field and config must match) where the value of the fields can be accessed with the field name as key (e.g. values["comments"]).

Edit1: If you want to check only input values of a certain type, you could use the following structure:

@validator("*") # validates all fields
def validate_if_float(cls, value):
    if isinstance(value, float):
        # do validation here
    return value

Edit2: Easier way to validate all fields together using @root_validator:

import pydantic

class Parent(pydantic.BaseModel):
    name: str
    comments: str

class Customer(Parent):
    address: str
    phone: str

    def validate_all_fields_at_the_same_time(cls, field_values):
        # Do the validation instead of printing
        print(f"{cls}: Field values are: {field_values}")
        assert field_values["name"] != "invalid_name", f"Name `{field_values['name']}` not allowed."
        return field_values


Customer(name="valid_name", comments="", address="Street 7", phone="079")
<class '__main__.Customer'>: Field values are: {'name': 'valid_name', 'comments': '', 'address': 'Street 7', 'phone': '079'}
Customer(name='valid_name', comments='', address='Street 7', phone='079')
Customer(name="invalid_name", comments="", address="Street 7", phone="079")
ValidationError: 1 validation error for Customer
  Name `invalid_name` not allowed. (type=assertion_error)
like image 146
wueli Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10


You need to pass the fields as arguments of the decorator.

class Parent(BaseModel):
    name: str
    comments: str

class Customer(Parent):
    address: str
    phone: str

    @validator("name", "coments", "address", "phone")
    def validate_all(cls, v, values, **kwargs):
like image 36
Rahul R Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10

Rahul R

First off, if you are having an error importing root_validator, I would update pydantic.

pip install -U pydantic

A lot of the examples above show you how to use the same validator on multiple values one at a time. Or they add a lot of unnecessary complexity to accomplish what you want. You can simply use the following code to validate multiple fields at the same time in the same validator using the root_validator decorator.:

from pydantic import root_validator
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Parent(BaseModel):
    name: str = "Peter"
    comments: str = "Pydantic User"

class Customer(Parent):
    address: str = "Home"
    phone: str = "117"

    def validate_all(cls, values):
         values["phone"] = "111-111-1111"
         values["address"] = "1111 Pydantic Lane"
         return values


{'name': 'Peter', 'comments': 'Pydantic User', 'address': 'Home', 'phone': '117'}

{'name': 'Peter', 'comments': 'Pydantic User', 'address': '1111 Pydantic Lane', 'phone': '111-111-1111'}
like image 3
Kentgrav Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10
