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How to use World Wind Java SDK offline




I'm trying to use World Wind, it is really good and very easy to edit.

But in my condition, the application is needed to be run offline.

So we can run the WorlWind offline ?


like image 765
ibrahimyilmaz Avatar asked Apr 28 '11 10:04


1 Answers

You can set


in the WorldWind properties file. This will stop WorldWind from trying to download tiles, and it will rely on the local cache only.

However, you may need to populate the local cache either by browsing over a particular area of interest, or installing cache packs.

Unfortunately, the site (http://www.worldwinddata.com/), that used to host cache packs, is no longer running (domain has expired).

like image 156
DNA Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09