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How to use wildcards with ngrams in ElasticSearch

Is it possible to combine wildcard matches and ngrams in ElasticSearch? I'm already using ngrams of length 3-11.

As a very small example, I have records C1239123 and C1230123. The user wants to return both of these. This is the only info they know: C123?12

The above case won't work on my full match analyzer because the query is missing the 3 on the end. I was under the impression wildcard matches would work out of the box, but if I perform a search similar to the above I get gibberish.


.Search<ElasticSearchProject>(a => a
    .Query(q => q
        .SimpleQueryString(query => query
            .OnFieldsWithBoost(b => b
                .Add(f => f.Summary, 2.1)
                .Add(f => f.Summary.Suffix("ngram"), 2.0)


var projectPartialMatch = new CustomAnalyzer
    Filter = new List<string> { "lowercase", "asciifolding" },
    Tokenizer = "ngramtokenizer"


    .Add("ngramtokenizer", new NGramTokenizer
        TokenChars = new[] {"letter","digit","punctuation"},
        MaxGram = 11,
        MinGram = 3

EDIT: The main purpose is to allow the user to tell the search engine exactly where the unknown characters are. This preserves the match order. I do not ngram the query, only the indexed fields.

EDIT 2 with more test results: I had simplified my prior example a bit too much. The gibberish was being caused by punctuation filters. With a proper example there's no gibberish, but results aren't returned in a relevant order. Seeing below, I'm unsure why the first 2 results match at all. Ngram is not applied to the query.

Searching for c.a123?.7?0 gives results in this order:

  • C.A1234.560
  • C.A1234.800
  • C.A1234.700 <--Shouldn't this be first?
  • C.A1234.950
like image 585
Brandon Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 05:11


1 Answers

To anyone looking for a resolution to this, wildcards are used on ngrammed tokens by default. My problem was due to my queries having punctuation in them and using a standard analyzer on my query (which breaks on punctuation).

Duc.Duong's suggestion to use the Inquisitor plugin helped show exactly how data would be analyzed.

like image 187
Brandon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
